Download the new resource/textbook Macer, DRJ. A Cross Cultural Introduction to Bioethics (Eubios Ethics Institute)(published January 2006)
Contents, Preface, Authorship and Acknowledgments
[Betbk1.doc, pages i-vi]
Bioethics page by page
Autonomy, Justice, Benefits versus risks, Animal rights, Intrinsic and
extrinsic ethical factors in animal use, Genetic testing and privacy, Trash and
Treasure Activity on Testing for cancer gene susceptibility, AIDS Testing, The
Heart Transplant, Ethics and Driving Cars, Ecotourism and ethics, Sustainable
Development, Euthanasia, Telling the truth about terminal cancer, Genetic
engineering and Food, Reproduction and Fertility, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Technology, Artificial insemination, Sperm, Egg and Embryo Donation, Surrogacy,
Somatic Cell Gene Therapy, Germ-line gene therapy, Human cloning, Eugenics,
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) [Betbk2.doc, pages 1-24, revised March
Full chapters 1-13 (revised numbering)
[Betbk3.doc, pages 25-117]
Title, page number in book
1. Making choices, diversity and bioethics 25
2. Ethical limits of animal use 31
3. Genetic privacy and information 39
4. Testing for cancer gene susceptibility 45
5. Gene therapy 49
6. Brain Death 57
7. Organ donation 63
Play script for Role Play on Brain Death and Organ Donation 68
8. Lifestyle and Fertility 73
9. Assisted reproduction 81
10. Genetically modified foods/Ethics of Genetic Engineering 92
11. Telling the truth about terminal cancer 98
12. Euthanasia 104
13. AIDS and Ethics 111
Full chapters on Environmental Ethics, 14-16
[Betbk4.doc, pages 118-153]
14. Sustainable Development (Includes crossword) 118
15. Cars and the Ethics of Costs and Benefits 133
16. Ecotourism 140
Environmental Science (Bioethics page by page) 148
Feedback Forms and Information 149
This book is intended for use by those associated with the Bioethics Education Project, and we depend upon feedback from teachers and students to improve these chapters for all to benefit from. Also it is intended to compile teaching materials, reference materials, translations and modified versions of these materials for open global use. These are available from the teaching materials home page.
Project Internet site is
Page last updated on 16 November, 2005. Clear your browser cache to ensure your
computer loads the latest version.
All commercial rights reserved, but materials can be downloaded and used for
teaching, with feedback to the project leader
-Darryl R.J. Macer, Ph.D., Director, Eubios Ethics
To the yahoo groups Bioethics Education list serve for this project
To UNESCO/IUBS/EUBIOS Bioethics Dictionary Edition
(1.3 Mb file)