Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) Chronological Paper Archive

Published by the Eubios Ethics Institute (

This is a chronological list of papers published in EEIN and EJAIB. is also an Archive by journal issue.

The contents of Eubios Ethics Institute books are accessible through the individual book list.

There is a topical listing of papers in books and journals, and weblinks, in the News in Bioethics and Biotechnology index pages.

There is also a separate list of papers by Darryl Macer; and other Resources.

This list was last updated on 16 September 2020 (October 2020 issue of EJAIB), and the latest items are at the bottom.
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Index of EEIN and EJAIB main papers (1990-Current)

Macer, D.R.J. Genetic Engineering in Japan: Preliminary Results of Public Opinion Surveys, EEIN 1 (1991), 71-3.
Macer, D. General Comment On A Review of Shaping Genes EEIN 1 (1991), 83-4.
Macer, D. Editorial, The Impact of Biotechnology in Agriculture and Food in Developing Countries, Conference Report EEIN 2 (1992), 1, 15-6.
Monte, G. Genetics, Religion and Ethics: Conference Review EEIN 2 (1992), 29-30.
Leavitt, F.J. What is an "Integrated Cross-Cultural approach to bioethics"? EEIN 2 (1992), 58-9.
Kurian, K.J. Female Infanticide in India EEIN 3 (1993), 3.
Shirai, Y. What Future for Surrogacy in Japan? EEIN 3 (1993), 3.
Leavitt, F.J. An Israeli approach to Cross-Cultural Ethics: Correction and Elucidation? EEIN 3 (1993), 3.
Mauron, A. Letter from Switzerland on Animal Experimentation EEIN 3 (1993), 32.
Macer, D. Editorial: How (bio)ethical are bioethicists? EEIN 3 (1993), 43-4.
Leavitt, F.J. Letter: Bioethics in Israeli High Schools EEIN 3 (1993), 44-5.
Macer, D. Re: How (bio)ethical are bioethicists? Responses to the July Editorial - ; replies from 12 people and journals. EEIN 3 (1993), 357-60.
Ors, Y.The Physician's Oath Considered Critically EEIN 3 (1993), 60-1.
Fox, M.J. Bioethics: A Synopsis EEIN 3 (1993), 61.
Macer, D. Editorial: UNESCO Bioethics Committee and Bioethical issues of Genetics EEIN 3 (1993), 71.
Macer, D. High Acceptance of Genetic Screening and Gene Therapy in Japan and Australasia EEIN 3 (1993), 72-6.
Morioka, M. Trends in International and Asian Bioethics EEIN 4 (1994), 2.
Sass, H.M.Formulating global posthippocratic health care virtues EEIN 4 (1994), 3.
Ors, Y. Bioethics, Culture and Pluralism in the Mediterranean - Yaman Ors EEIN 4 (1994), 3.
Navot, O. Nursing ethics in Israel: Dilemmas in Neonate Intensive Care EEIN 4 (1994), 4.
Iinuma, K.Use of prenatal diagnosis for subsequent pregnancies by parents of children with Down's Syndrome EEIN 4 (1994), 4.
Fukui Statement on International Bioethics EEIN 4 (1994), 14.
Macer, D. Editorial EEIN 4 (1994), 14.
Morioka, M. International Bioethics and the North-South Problem EEIN 4 (1994), 16.
Sass, H.M.Formulating global posthippocratic health care virtues, part 2 EEIN 4 (1994), 16.
Macer, D. Editorial EEIN 4 (1994), 29.
Morioka, M. Bioethics in an aging society - Masahiro Morioka EEIN 4 (1994), 30.
Leavitt, F.J. Ethics and the Israeli University lectures' strike; International program in Jewish Bioethics EEIN 4 (1994), 30.
Macer, D.Editorial: Universal Bioethics: Old or New? EEIN 4 (1994), 43.
Morioka, M. Two layers of international bioethics EEIN 4 (1994), 44.
Blasszauer, B. Progress of the IAB Network on corruption EEIN 4 (1994), 45.
Azariah, J. The symbol OM EEIN 4 (1994), 45.
Leavitt, F.J. Fetal med./surgery as alternatives to abortion EEIN 4 (1994), 45.
Macer, D. Editorial EEIN 4 (1994), 57.
Morioka, M. US-Japan Bioethics Congress EEIN 4 (1994), 58.
Daniels, K. New Zealand Assisted Human Reproduction EEIN 4 (1994), 58.
Macer, D. Editorial: New Journal EEIN 4 (1994), 71.
Leavitt, F.J. The Idea of the Senpo Sugihara Asian Bioethics Centre EEIN 4 (1994), 72.
Morioka, M. Virtual or physical bioethics centers EEIN 4 (1994), 73.
GELS International Databank and Reporter on Genetics, Ethics, Law and Society EEIN 4 (1994), 74.
Ors, Y. Music, Physics, and Biopolitics EEIN 4 (1994), 74.
Leavitt, F.J. A Legal Victory against Noise Pollution in Israel EEIN 4 (1994), 75.
Macer, D. Editorial: Why a New Journal? EJAIB 5 (1995), 1.
Sakamoto, H. New Initiatives in East Asian Bioethics EJAIB 5 (1995), 2.
Alora, A.T. Asian Bioethics: A Philippine View EJAIB 5 (1995), 3.
Lock, M. Cultural Responses to the Taming of Nature EJAIB 5 (1995), 3.
Byk, C.Asian Bioethics is My Concern EJAIB 5 (1995), 4.
Ors, Y. Ethics, Bioethics, and Morals EJAIB 5 (1995), 5.
Leavitt, F.J. Update on the Senpo Sugihara Asian Bioethics Centre EJAIB 5 (1995), 5.
Azariah, J.The Book of Genesis and Environmental Ethics, Biodiversity and the Food Deficit EJAIB 5 (1995), 6.
Macer, D. Editorial: Bioethics has no limits? EJAIB 5 (1995), 29.
Sakamoto, H.New Initiatives in East Asian Bioethics EJAIB 5 (1995), 30.
Becker, G.K. Asian and Western Ethics: Some Remarks on a Productive Tension EJAIB 5 (1995), 31.
Morioka, M.Commentary EJAIB 5 (1995), 33.
Tharien, A.K. Euthanasia in India EJAIB 5 (1995), 33.
Leavitt, F.J. Commentary EJAIB 5 (1995), 35.
Pelin, S.S. & Ors, Y. Medical Esthetics from a Historical and Ethical Point of View EJAIB 5 (1995), 35.
Anees, M.Human Cloning: An Atlantean Odyssey? EJAIB 5 (1995), 36.
Gupta, A.K.Suggested Ethical Guidelines for Accessing & Exploring Biodiversity The Pew Conservation Scholars Initiative EJAIB 5 (1995), 38.
Gupta, A.K. Ethical Dilemmas in Conservation of Biodiversity: Towards developing globally acceptable ethical guidelines EJAIB 5 (1995), 40.
Lerman, S. Information Centre for Jewish Law (Halacha) and Bioethics EJAIB 5 (1995), 46.
Macer, D. EditorialEJAIB 5 (1995), 57.
East Asian Conference on Bioethics EJAIB 5 (1995), 57.
Zhang JuLetter from China EJAIB 5 (1995), 58.
Byk, C.Juridical Policies and Bioethics: The three pillars of biomedical legislative wisdom EJAIB 5 (1995), 59.
Morioka, M. Commentary EJAIB 5 (1995), 61.
Segota, I. Physicians and Ethics in Croatia. Analysis of the new ethical codex of the Croatian Medical Association EJAIB 5 (1995), 62.
Arda, B. & Pelin, S.S.Bioethics in Turkey in 1995 EJAIB 5 (1995), 64.
Anees, M.A. Commentary EJAIB 5 (1995), 65.
Leavitt, F.J. Commentary EJAIB 5 (1995), 65.
Kuhse, H.Voluntary Euthanasia: A Report from Australia EJAIB 5 (1995), 66.
Leavitt, F.J. Bioethics and the Passover Lamb EJAIB 5 (1995), 69.
Hedlund, R. Briefs: Stewardship EJAIB 5 (1995), 70.
Biocult project (UK) EJAIB 5 (1995), 70.
Macer, D. Editorial Electronic Eubios Ethics Institute EJAIB 5 (1995), 85.
Nicholson, R.H. Ethical citations in writing papers EJAIB 5 (1995), 86.
86 Leavitt, F.J. As the Dream starts to become reality: More on the Senpo Sugihara Asian Bioethics Centre
Yesley, M.S. Diversity in Bioethics EJAIB 5 (1995), 87.
Morioka, M. Bioethics and Japanese Culture: Brain Death, Patients' Rights, and Cultural Factors EJAIB 5 (1995), 87-91.
Leavitt, F.J. Commentary on Morioka and Kuhse EJAIB 5 (1995), 91
Srinives, P.Biotechnology in Thailand EJAIB 5 (1995), 91.
Goldsmith, J.R. Where the trail leads... Ethical problems arising when the trail of professional work lead to evidence of cover-up of serious risk and mis-representation of scientific judgement concerning human exposures to radar EJAIB 5 (1995), 92.
Benbasat, J. Commentary: Statistical significance vs. Clinical Importance: What is in a term? EJAIB 5 (1995), 94.
Leavitt, F.J. Whistle-blowing: Commentary on Goldsmith EJAIB 5 (1995), 95.
Arda, B. & Pelin, S.S. Bioethics in a Secular Perspective EJAIB 5 (1995), 95.
Ors, Y.Brain-Scarves EJAIB 5 (1995), 96.
Macer, D. Editorial - Bioethics and Images of West Asia EJAIB 5 (1995), 113.
Leavitt, F.J. Bioethics in Emergency and Disaster EJAIB 5 (1995), 116.
Mauron, A.HGP : The Holy Genome Project? An answer to the questionnaire concerning the UNESCO declaration on protection of the human genome EJAIB 5 (1995), 117.
Lock, M. Commentary on Masahiro Morioka, "Bioethics and Japanese Culture" EJAIB 5 (1995), 119.
Azariah, J. Biophysics, Biology and bioethics: A Fusion of Horizons EJAIB 5 (1995), 91.
Ors, Y. The Colours of Peace: White, Blue and Green EJAIB 5 (1995), 123.
Database of Information on Infertility and Assisted Reproduction EJAIB 5 (1995), 130.
International Conference on Creativity and Innovation at Grassroots Level, December 20-23, 1996, INDIA EJAIB 5 (1995), 137.
Macer, D. Editorial - Bioethics in East AsiaEJAIB 5 (1995), 141.
East Asian Association for Bioethics - EACB'95 Conference ProgramEJAIB 5 (1995), 142.
East Asian Association for Bioethics ConstitutionEJAIB 5 (1995), 142-3.
Qiu, Renzong Reflections and Conclusions on EACB'95EJAIB 5 (1995), 143-4.
Macer, D.R.J. Bioethics: Descriptive or prescriptive?EJAIB 5 (1995), 144-6.
Morioka, M. Commentary on MacerEJAIB 5 (1995), 146.
Leavitt, F.J. Commentary on Macer EJAIB 5 (1995), 146-7.
J. Chinese Medical Ethics - Abstracts EJAIB 5 (1995), 147-9.
Wang Yanguang Some Ethical Issues of AIDS in China EJAIB 5 (1995), 149-50.
UNESCO Revised Declaration on the Human Genome and its Protection in Relation to Human Dignity and Human Rights EJAIB 5 (1995), 150-1.
Salvi, M. Ethics and Biotechnology: Analysis of the relationship between ethics and science EJAIB 5 (1995), 151-3.
Leavitt, F.J. Commentary on Salvi EJAIB 5 (1995), 153-4.
Ors, Y. "Ethico-Drama" and Education in BioethicsEJAIB 5 (1995), 154.
Hare, J.R. Commentary on Ors
EJAIB 5 (1995), 154-5. Leavitt, F.J. Commentary on Ors and Azariah EJAIB 5 (1995), 154-5.
Arda, B. The Ethics Committee of the Turkish Medical Association EJAIB 5 (1995), 155.
Ramati, D. The Road to Destruction: The Hulhoul by-pass road EJAIB 5 (1995), 156.
Editorial - Happy New Year 1996 - Darryl Macer, Ph.D., EJAIB 6 (1996), 1-2.
Preconceptual/prenatal care of our children: On the ethics of drug-induced disabilities - Irina Pollard, Ph.D. EJAIB 6 (1996), 2-6.
Commentary on Pollard - Masahiro Morioka, EJAIB 6 (1996), 6-7.
Commentary on Pollard - Frank Leavitt, Ph.D., EJAIB 6 (1996), 7.
Commentary on Pollard - Jayapaul Azariah, Ph.D., EJAIB 6 (1996), 7-8.
East Asian Association for Bioethics Conference 1995, Beijing, Abstracts , , EJAIB 6 (1996), 8-16.
Can psychodrama be a tool in ethics education? - Yaman Ors, D. Phil., M.D. , EJAIB 6 (1996), 16-17.
Japanese MHW Guidelines for safety Assessment of Foods and Food Additivies Produced by the Recombinant DNA Techniques , EJAIB 6 (1996), 21.
Editorial - Darryl Macer, Ph.D., EJAIB 6 (1996), 29-30.
Are philosophers immune from ethics? - Frank J. Leavitt, Ph.D. , EJAIB 6 (1996), 29-30.
Commentary on Leavitt - Masahiro Morioka, EJAIB 6 (1996), 30.
Gene Therapy in Germany: The regulation and the debate on regulation - Jan Vesting, , EJAIB 6 (1996), 30-1.
Foundations of East Asian Bioethics - Hyakudai Sakamoto, EJAIB 6 (1996), 31-2.
Bioethical attitudes of Japanese university doctors, and members of Japan Association of Bioethics - D. Macer, Y. Niimura, T. Umeno, & K. Wakai // Open comments, EJAIB 6 (1996), 33-47.
Editorial and Invitations - Darryl Macer, Ph.D., EJAIB 6 (1996), 57.
Preliminary Draft of ... A Universal Declaration On The Human Genome And Human Rights (UNESCO), EJAIB 6 (1996), 58.
Statement On The Principled Conduct Of Genetics Research (HUGO Code of Ethics), EJAIB 6 (1996), 59-60.
Health care reforms in Russia and legislational provisions - Irina A. Petrova, Ph.D., EJAIB 6 (1996), 60-1.
The first euthanasia court case in China - Cong Yali, M.D., EJAIB 6 (1996), 61.
Commentary on Cao - Two More Articles On Euthanasia: Are We Doing Bioethics Or Thanatoethics? - Frank J. Leavitt, Ph.D., EJAIB 6 (1996), 61-2.
Attitudes of university doctors to the use of advance directives and euthanasia in Japan - D. Macer, T. Hosaka, Y. Niimura, and T. Umeno, EJAIB 6 (1996), 62-9.
Ethics, morals, and drama - Yaman Ors MD, D.Phil., EJAIB 6 (1996), 69-70.
Frank Leavitt's Questionable Claims - Haim Marantz, Ph.D., EJAIB 6 (1996), 70.
Can Anyone Own Truth?: A Reply To Morioka, Marantz, and Ors - Frank J. Leavitt, Ph.D.., EJAIB 6 (1996), 70-1.
Amer. J. Medical Genetics Call for Papers, EJAIB 6 (1996), 71.
J. Chinese Medical Ethics - Abstracts, EJAIB 6 (1996), 71-3.
East Asian Association for Bioethics - EACB'95 Conference Abstracts of talks not presented, EJAIB 6 (1996), 73-6.
> N. Fujiki, "A biography and bibliography of recent trends in bioethics and medical genetics in Japan". - 19pp. Supplement, only on Internet.
Editorial - - Myths of Japan - Darryl Macer, Ph.D., EJAIB 6 (1996), 89-90.
Barriers to Informed Consent in Japan- Atsushi Asai, EJAIB 6 (1996), 91-3.
Commentary on Asai - Susan O. Long, EJAIB 6 (1996), 93-4.
Commentary on Asai - Masahiro Morioka, EJAIB 6 (1996), 94.
Embracing Change with All Four Arms: A Post-Humanist Defense of Genetic Engineering - James J. Hughes, EJAIB 6 (1996), 94-101.
Are We Reaching the Bottom of the Slippery Slope? Commentary on Asai, Hughes and the Feron Case - Frank J. Leavitt, EJAIB 6 (1996), 101-3.
Japanese muscular dystrophy families are more accepting of fetal diagnosis than patients -Hisanobu Kaiya, Darryl Macer , EJAIB 6 (1996), 103-4.
Three Christian Views on Assisted Conception and Marriage - The Roman Catholic Church, Church of England and Presbyterian Church of Scotland -Agneta Sutton, EJAIB 6 (1996), 105-7.
Editorial - Plans and Reality - Darryl Macer, Ph.D., EJAIB 6 (1996), 121.
UNESCO Asian Bioethics Conference, EJAIB 6 (1996), 122.
Analytic philosophy and Death: Brain death and personal identity - Maurizio Salvi , EJAIB 6 (1996), 123-4.
Commentary on Salvi - Akira Akabayashi, EJAIB 6 (1996), 124.
Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis in East and West - Jayapaul Azariah, Darryl Macer , EJAIB 6 (1996), 125-8.
Ethical Problems in Research and Practice of Environmental Epidemiology - JR. Goldsmith, CL. Soskolne, and R Bertollini , EJAIB 6 (1996), 128-30.
Commentary on Azariah & Macer and Goldsmith - Frank J. Leavitt , EJAIB 6 (1996), 130-1.
Bioethics in Korea - Song Sang-yong , EJAIB 6 (1996), 131.
Advancement of plant breeding techniques: scientific, social and global impact - Hiroshi Harada , EJAIB 6 (1996), 131-4.
Review of Aspects of the Biosafety of Transgenesis - Martin Hajduch, Jana Libantova , EJAIB 6 (1996), 134-5.
The Philosopher's Drama - Yaman Ors / A Reply To Ors - Frank J. Leavitt / Science, Positivism, and Ethics - A Reply to Leavitt - Yaman Ors , EJAIB 6 (1996), 135-7.
Guidelines for Genetic Counseling and Prenatal Diagnosis (1994); Guidelines for Genetic Testing, using DNA analysis (1995) - Japan Society of Human Genetics , EJAIB 6 (1996), 137-9.
Editorial - Tsukuba Bioethics Roundtable - Darryl Macer, EJAIB 6 (1996), 153.
Update on EAAB and Invitation for Membership. Bioethics in Japan with China - Hyakudai Sakamoto, EJAIB 6 (1996), 155-6.
Report of the Kyoto Bioethics Seminar, and Comments on Comparative Bioethics - Masahiro Morioka , EJAIB 6 (1996), 157.
Bioethics East and West - Jean Kitahara-Frisch
, EJAIB 6 (1996), 157-8.
Short History of Reproductive Medical Problems in Japan - Shinryo N. Shinagawa , , EJAIB 6 (1996), 158-60.
Commentary on Shinagawa - Yutaka Tejima , EJAIB 6 (1996), 160.
Unanswered questions about medical ethics education in Japan - Atsushi Asai , EJAIB 6 (1996), 160-2.
Lessons from Clinical Anthropology Classes for Undergraduate Students - S.Shoji, K. Kamiya, D. Macer , EJAIB 6 (1996), 162-3.
Seeking advice on evaluation methods for high school bioethics education - Vaille Dawson , EJAIB 6 (1996), 163.
Environmental Ethics of Water Pollution - Humitake Seki , EJAIB 6 (1996), 163-4.
Bioethics as study for daily life - Kohji Yamada
, EJAIB 6 (1996), 165. Borders & environmental ethics - Simon Lawson , EJAIB 6 (1996), 165.
The environment in Slovakia and Biodiversity - M.Hajduch, A.Pretova , EJAIB 6 (1996), 165-6.
Japan / US Comparisons of Biotechnology Patents - M. Okada-Takagi , EJAIB 6 (1996), 166-8.
Organ Transplantation in India - A. K. Tharien , , EJAIB 6 (1996), 168-9.
Organ Transplantation in Israel - Gershon B. Grunfeld , EJAIB 6 (1996), 169.
Euthanasia In Turkey: Cultural and religious perspectives - N.Yasemin Oguz , EJAIB 6 (1996), 170-1.
Impressions Of East Asia: Science and Spirituality - Frank J. Leavitt , EJAIB 6 (1996), 171-2.
Ethics when genotype under-determines clinical phenotype - Norio Fujiki and Kozo Hashimoto , EJAIB 6 (1996), 173.
Editorial - Asia, North America and Bioethics - Darryl Macer , EJAIB 7 (1997), 1-2.
Personhood: A Matter of Moral Decisions - Sahin Aksoy , EJAIB 7 (1997), 3-4.
Commentary on Aksoy - Frank J. Leavitt , EJAIB 7 (1997), 5.
Ethics and the regulation of preimplantation diagnosis in Germany - Stefan Mueller , EJAIB 7 (1997), 5.
Commentary on Mueller - Les S. Rothenberg , EJAIB 7 (1997), 6.
Gene Therapy and the Human Genome Project in Russia - Vijay Kaushik & Boris Yudin , , EJAIB 7 (1997), 6-7.
Blood Bath Ethics in Educational System - Jayapaul Azariah, , EJAIB 7 (1997), 7-8; Commentary on Azariah - Masahiro Morioka , EJAIB 7 (1997), 8.
Godot'ian ethics and Godot-syndrome - Yaman Ors , EJAIB 7 (1997), 8-9.
Building Bridges - Kerstin Jage-Bowler , EJAIB 7 (1997), 9-10/ Commentary on Jage-Bowler - Frank J. Leavitt , EJAIB 7 (1997), 10.
Biodiversity in India: Response to Hajduch & Pretova -Jayapaul Azariah , EJAIB 7 (1997), 10-11.
Help save our Biodiversity! - Eckart Dross , EJAIB 7 (1997), 11.
Editorial - Bioethical lessons from India - Darryl Macer, EJAIB 7 (1997), 33.
Chennai Statement on Bioethics, EJAIB 7 (1997), 34.
How to Calculate the Utility of Human Germline Gene Transformations? A critique of Utilitarianism - Maurizio Salvi , EJAIB 7 (1997), 36-8.
Utilitarianism, and the Genetic Welfare of Future Generations: A Reply to Salvi - James J. Hughes , EJAIB 7 (1997), 38-9.
Ethical issues in Japanese clinical settings in 1990's: Attitudes and Experiences of the Japanese - Atsushi Asai and Tsuguya Fukui , EJAIB 7 (1997), 39-43.
The social acceptance of euthanasia does not stem from patient's autonomy in Japan - Noritoshi Tanida , EJAIB 7 (1997), 43-6.
Commentary On Tanida - L.S. Rothenberg , EJAIB 7 (1997), 46-7.
Physician Assisted Suicide - Jong-sik Reem , EJAIB 7 (1997), 47-8.
Commentary On Reem: Does analytic philosophy have anything to do with bioethics? - Frank J. Leavitt , EJAIB 7 (1997), 48-9.
Health professionals' attitudes toward preimplantation diagnosis in Japan - Yasuko Shirai , EJAIB 7 (1997), 49-52.
Commentary on Shirai - Masahiro Morioka , EJAIB 7 (1997), 52.
Abortion: The destruction of life - Sahin Aksoy , EJAIB 7 (1997), 53-4.
Commentary on Ors: Godot'ian ethics - Frank J. Leavitt , EJAIB 7 (1997), 54.
Editorial - Is bioethics about clones or relationships? - Darryl Macer EJAIB 7 (1997), 65-66.

Case of the first test tube baby in India - K.K. Verma / Commentary on Verma: Thoughts About India - Frank J. Leavitt EJAIB 7 (1997), 67.

Some ethical issues of cloning - Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 7 (1997), 67-8.

Commentary on Morioka - Munawar A. Anees EJAIB 7 (1997), 68.

Appeal for Comments on Ethical Case Histories - Raymond Richard Neutra, John Goldsmith EJAIB 7 (1997), 69-71.

The Teaching of Medical Ethics in Beijing Medical University - Cong Yali / Commentary on Cong: Teaching Medical Ethics, a Call for an Asian and International Discussion - Frank J. Leavitt EJAIB 7 (1997), 71.

Establishment of High School Bioethics Education Network - Yukiko Asada & Darryl Macer EJAIB 7 (1997), 73-77.

To Value Life and Existence - Sahin Aksoy EJAIB 7 (1997), 102-104.

Commentary on Aksoy: The Meaning of Life - Frank J. Leavitt EJAIB 7 (1997), 104-105.

Case Study 1: Hemodialysis for a patient in persistent vegetative state - Atsushi Asai, Masashi Shirahama, Sara Carmel EJAIB 7 (1997), 105-107.

The Death of Canada's Proposed Reproductive and Genetic Technologies Act - Timothy Caulfield EJAIB 7 (1997), 108.

Genetic norms, eugenic logic and UNESCO's IBC - Melanie Rock EJAIB 7 (1997), 108-110.

Biotechnology and young citizens: Biocult in New Zealand and Japan - Darryl Macer, Hiroko Obata, Mairi Levitt, Howard Bezar, Ken Daniels EJAIB 7 (1997), 111-114.

Commentary on Macer et al.:Science, Education and Nature - Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 7 (1997), 115.

The Successful Scottish Experiment on Cloning - A Great Event in Science - K. K. Verma and Rashmi Saxena EJAIB 7 (1997), 130.

Human Genetics and Ethics in China - Ole Doering EJAIB 7 (1997), 130-1.

Bioscience Ethics - A New Conceptual Approach To Modern Ethical Challenges - Irina Pollard and Steven Gilbert EJAIB 7 (1997), 131-133.

The Bioethicist of the Future: Commentary on Pollard and Gilbert, and Melanie Rock - Frank J. Leavitt EJAIB 7 (1997), 133-134.

Pollard's Response to Leavitt's Commentary EJAIB 7 (1997), 134-135.

Case Study 2: Disagreement among family members - Masashi Shirahama and Atsushi Asai EJAIB 7 (1997), 135-137.

Attitudes to Biotechnology in Japan and New Zealand in 1997, with International Comparisons - D. Macer, H. Bezar, N.Harman, H. Kamada, N. Macer EJAIB 7 (1997), 137-151.

What ethical dilemmas are Japanese physicians faced with? - Atsushi Asai, Wari Yamamoto, Tsuguya Fukui EJAIB 7 (1997), 162-5.

Commentary on Asai et al. - Todd S. Elwyn EJAIB 7 (1997), 165.

The Role of Ulama (Islamic Scholars) in Dealing with Bioethical Issues in Indonesia - H. Ahmad Ludjito EJAIB 7 (1997), 166.

Tendency of Nurses to Undertake the Role of Patient Advocate - Nermin Ersoy, Ynsaf Altun, Ayse Beser EJAIB 7 (1997), 167-70.

Commentary on Ersoy et al. - Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 7 (1997), 170.

The Role of Nurses in Ethical Medicine: Commentary on Ersoy, Altun and Beser - Frank J. Leavitt EJAIB 7 (1997), 170-1.

Commentary on Case Studies: (EJAIB 7:4, 5) - Angeles Tan Alora EJAIB 7 (1997), 171.

Inclusion of Bioethics Education in Biotechnology Courses - Vaille Dawson & Peter Taylor EJAIB 7 (1997), 171-5.

Cloning Humans? The Chinese Debate and Why It Matters - Gerhold K. Becker EJAIB 7 (1997), 175-8.

Environmental Perception of Textile Industrial Pollution in Tiruppur, India - C. Thomson Jacob, Jayapaul Azariah EJAIB 7 (1997), 178-80.

Opinions of Mexican Physicians on the Use of Genetic Engineering - E. Casanueva, Lisker, Carnevale, Alonso EJAIB 8 (1998), 6-9 .

Human Cloning - The Global Response - A.K. Tharien EJAIB 8 (1998), 9-10.

Israel Faces the Issue of Human Cloning: A Discussion of the Ethical and Social Implications - Yael Weiler EJAIB 8 (1998), 10-12.

Cloning and the New Ethic: Commentary on Yael Weiler - Frank J. Leavitt EJAIB 8 (1998), 12-3.

Human Cloning: Commentary on Tharien, Weiler, & Leavitt - Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 8 (1998), 13.

Transdisciplinarity: a task faced by genetics in the past, and by bioethics education now - Eliane S. AzevÍdo EJAIB 8 (1998), 13-14.

Centre for Asian and International Bioethics in Israel - Frank J. Leavitt EJAIB 8 (1998), 15.

Case study 3: A patient with HIV - Atsushi Asai, Masashi Shirahama EJAIB 8 (1998), 15-18.

33 Editorial - Darryl Macer

TRT3 and JAB9 conference abstracts are on-line.

34-37 Compassion as Common Ground - Ann Boyd, Pinit Ratanakul, Attajenda Deepudong

37-40 Letting-Go or Killing: Thai Buddhist Perspectives on Euthanasia - Pitak Chaicharoen & Pinit Ratanakul

40 Belief and Bioethics: Commentary on Morioka - Frank J. Leavitt

41-44 Entitlements And Rights In Reproduction: Lessons From Chinese Women In A Peri-Urban Village in Peninsular Malaysia - Chee Heng Leng

44-46 Does Noosphere Evolution relieve the Forthcoming Biosphere Crisis? - Humitake Seki

46 Lessons from Japanese Religion and History for Bioethics - Karl Friday

46-49 Sustenance Of Biodiversity: An Action Line Through Bhagavad Gita -Dua Kamal Kumar

49-51 Bounty to Bust: Ethics of Irreversible Environmental Degradation - Richard S.J. Weisburd

52-54 Universal Ethical Singularity - R.N. Sharma

54-56 Attitudes to Biotechnology among Social Sciences Students at the University of Quilmes, Argentina - G. Lucki et al.

56-57 HUGO Ethics Committee Statement on DNA Sampling: Control and Access (March 1998)

69 Editorial - Welcome to Japan - Darryl Macer

TRT3 and JAB9 conference abstracts are on-line.

IAB 4th World Congress, 4 - 7 Nov, 1998, Tokyo, Japan Preliminary Program

4th International Tsukuba Bioethics Roundtable and FAB2, 31 Oct - 3 Nov, 1998, Tsukuba, Japan Preliminary Program

72-75 Professional and Personal Values of Nursing in Turkey - Nermin Ersoy

75-76 Biomedical Ethics & Mass Screening of the Newborn in Japan - Kaede Tomoeda, Ichiro Matsuda

76-79 Can Islamic Texts Help to Resolve the Problem of the Moral Status of the Prenate? - Sahin Aksoy

79-81 Assisted human reproduction in New Zealand: The contribution of ethics - Ken R. Daniels

81-82 Preimplantation Genetic Testing: Neither Doomsday Machine Nor Panacea For Potential Parents - Linda Hasadsri

83 Ethics in Embryology, Neonatology and Nursing Values: Commentaries - Frank J. Leavitt

83-84 The Children Born from Human Cloning - Jean Kitahara-Frisch

84-87 A Constructivist Approach to Intercultural Ethics - Richard Evanoff

87 Commentary on Evanoff - Masahiro Morioka

88-89 Have Martial Arts Got Anything To Do With Bioethics? - Frank J. Leavitt

101 Editorial - Welcome to Japan - Darryl Macer
105 Case 4: Therapy for a 48 year old alcoholic patient - Masashi Shirahama, and 8 commentators

111 Bioethics in the Former Yugoslavia: The War tragedy and Recent Trends in Croatia - Nenad Hlaca

113 Bioethics in times of Conflict: Commentary on Hlaca - Frank J. Leavitt

114 Eugenics and China: Where is the ethical problem?- Ole Döring

115 Ethical Aspects of Healthcare Reforms in Malaysia - Chan Chee Khoon

133 Editorial - Darryl Macer

134 IUBS Bioethics Survey - FOR BIOLOGISTS

138 Japanese attitudes toward euthanasia in hypothetical clinical situations - Noritoshi Tanida

141 Should physicians make value judgments regarding medical futility? - Atsushi Asai

143 Perspectives on old age in Turkey - Insaf Altun & Nermin Ersoy

145 Commentary on Tanida, Asai, Altun & Ersoy - Frank J. Leavitt

146 An examination of the "best interests of children" in the field of assisted human reproduction - Ken R. Daniels

148 Commentary on Daniels - Masahiro Morioka

148 Bioethics publications in Brazil. A study of topic preferences and tendencies - Cl·udio Lorenzo & Eliane S. AzevÍdo

165 Turkish Bioethics Roundtables - Darryl Macer

166 Inspirations of the Ankara Roundtables on Bioethics - Rusen Keles

166 Teaching Bioethics and Biopolitics in a cross-disciplinary Graduate Context - Yaman Ors

169 Right to Environment: Does it Reflect Environmental Ethics? - Nukhet Turgut

171 Science, Ethics and Ecology - Hunay Evliya

172 Environmental Responsibilities and a New Concept of Citizenship: An Intellectual Approach - Mahir Fisunoglu

173 Assuring Quality In Higher Environmental Education: Med-Campus Project 349 - Ylkden Talay, Nilgul Karadenyz, Sukran Sahin

176 New Approaches to Business Ethics - Cemal Yukselen

177 Evolution versus Creation in Schools - Aykut Kence

178 Ethical Aspects in Genetics Research - Ajlan Tukun and Isik Bokesoy

179 Some Remarks On The Convention For The Protection Of Human Rights And Dignity Of The Human Being With Regard To The Application Of Biology And Medicine - Ergun Özsunay

181 Ontology and Bioethics: the Case of Human Dignity Principle in Human Genetics - Maurizio Salvi

183What do we Learn from Japanese Feminist Bioethics? - Masahiro Morioka

184 Training in Health and Child Care for Rural Dalit Women

1 Editorial: Future Development of Bioethics in Asia - Darryl Macer

3 Global Summit of National Bioethics Commissions: Tokyo Communique

4 Ankara Roundtables on Bioethics

4 Biological Diversity in Forest Ecosystems - Barbaros Cetyn

6 Some Possible Impacts of Environmental Epidemiology on Ethical Aspects of Health Care - Ella A. Kordysh & John R. Goldsmith

7 Artificial Respiration Administration in the Terminally Ill - Obligation or Prohibition? From the Jewish Ethical Perspective of a Family Physician - Sody A Naimer

8 References in the Mishna to usage of parts of the human body as tools or implements - Avi Gold

9 Frontier Program of Medical Gene Research in Taiwan - Yu Shi Hung

10 Attitudes of MD patients and their families to DNA banks in Japan - Hisanobu Kaiya & Darryl Macer

12 Ethics and Aesthetics - K.K. Verma

13 Reflections on Three Years of Travel for Asian Bioethics - Yeruham Frank Leavitt

15 Mystical Bioethics Network

33 Editorial - Darryl Macer

34-35 Bioethics and Global Love - Darryl Macer

35-38 Theories of Bioethics - Robert M. Veatch

38-39 Commentary on Macer - Masahiro Morioka

39-40 Kagandahang loob: Love in Philippine bioethics - Leonardo D. de Castro

40-42 Love in Medical Ethics in South Asia - V. Manickavel

42-43 The importance of love in ancient Indian biomedical ethics - Sunil K. Pandya

43-45 Love and medical ethics in Iran - Alizhera Bagheri

45-46 Love in Buddhist Bioethics - Pinit Ratanakul

46-47 Can love be a language of bio-ethics? - Ole Doering

47-49 Love and the History of Chinese Bioethics - Zhang Daqing

49 Love in Bioethics for Patient Care in Developing Countries - A.K.Tharien

50-54 Warfare Fitness Enhancement or Losing Strategy? A Bioscience Ethics Perspective - Irina Pollard

54 Commentary on Pollard - A.K.Tharien

55 Building religious/cultural bridges between Israeli and Palestinian university students - Ben Mollov, Musa Isa Barhoum

56 Pacifism and Reality: Commentary - Yeruham Frank Leavitt

56-59 A comparison of bioethics in school text books in India and Japan - Minakshi Bhardwaj and Darryl Macer

60-62 A Bioregional Perspective on Global Ethics - Richard Evanoff

63 Mystical Bioethics Network: A Humble Approach -Erin Williams

65 Editorial: Familiar Themes - Darryl Macer

66-9 Japanese concept of familial privacy & genetic information - Fumi Maekawa & Darryl Macer

69-70 Commentary on Maekawa & Macer - Masahiro Morioka

70HUGO Ethics Committee - Statement on Cloning

71-3 Cloning: Paradox, Paradigm and Ethics in Indian Society - Minakshi Bhardwaj & Jayapaul Azariah

73-4 A call for a new definition of eugenics - Yanguang Wang

74-6 Beyond the conventional dichotomy/dualism: Occidental value and Oriental value - Kaori Sasaki

76-7 Spiritual Care for Dying Patients in Hospice - Hui-ying Li, Ekan Ikeguchi, Tatsuya Hobara

77-8 Can We Restore Meaning of Life to Patients Who Have Given Up? Commentary on Hui-Ying Li, et al.- Yeruham Frank Leavitt

78-9 Bioethics Education in a High School Ethics Class - Otani Izumi

79-80 Bioethics Education Network in Japanese High Schools - Hiroaki Koizumi

79-80 Advanced Education Image for the 21st Century in Japan - Hiroko Itatani

81 Chinese Oath of a Medical Student - Liu Qing

81 Mystical Bioethics Network

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Cloning - Jurgen Simon & Brigitte Jansen EJAIB 9 (1999), 98-99.
Reproductive Technology, Screening and Genetics in Taiwan: Centennial Profile (1902-1997) - Yu Shi Ang EJAIB 9 (1999), 99-101.
Surrogate Motherhood as a Life-Saving Measure in Jewish Law - W. F. Silverman & E.D. Clark EJAIB 9 (1999), 101-104.
Genes and Judaism: Commentary on Silverman and Clark - Yeruham Frank Leavitt EJAIB 9 (1999), 104-5.
EJAIB 9 (1999), 105 Biosafety Protocol: An asymmetric fusion of a plenty of politics and a bit of science - Kazuo N. Watanabe
The reporting of genetic engineering in the Japanese media since 1973 - Satoko Hayashi & Darryl Macer EJAIB 9 (1999), 105-107.
Intellectual Ignorance - Kazuo N. Watanabe EJAIB 9 (1999), 108.
Environmental education and environmental behaviour in Japanese students - Kouji Amemiya & Darryl Macer EJAIB 9 (1999), 109-115.
Ecstasy and Ethics of Poverty- a romantic myth - R.N. SharmaEJAIB 9 (1999), 115-6.
Death and Dignity - V. Manickavel EJAIB 9 (1999), 116-7.
Respecting the cancer patient's right to know - Jong-sik Reem (Commentary by Masahiro Morioka) EJAIB 9 (1999), 117-119.
Mystical Bioethics Network - Dr Michael FoxEJAIB 9 (1999), 119-20.
Editorial - Darryl Macer EJAIB 9 (1999), 129.
Narrativity in Bioethics: with special reference to medical ethics - N. Yasemin Oguz EJAIB 9 (1999), 130-134.
Earthquakes, plagues and bioethics: Commentary on Yasemin Oguz's narrative approach - Yeruham Frank Leavit EJAIB 9 (1999), 134-5.
Relationships towards animals in Japan - Ryuta Kudo & Darryl Macer EJAIB 9 (1999), 135-13.
Commentary on Kudo and Macer - Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 9 (1999), 138-145.
Bioethics education among Singapore high school science teachers - Darryl Macer and Chin Choon Ong EJAIB 9 (1999), 138-145.
Editorial - TRT5 and Asian Bioethics - Darryl Macer EJAIB 9 (1999), 161.
On the so-called Scientific Ethics - Yaman Ors EJAIB 9 (1999), 162-3.
What has ethics got to do with research? - K.P. Kochhar EJAIB 9 (1999), 163-4.
Commentary on Ors, and Kochhar: Scientific Ethics and TRT5 - Jayapaul Azariah EJAIB 9 (1999), 164-6.
New Reproductive Biotechnology, Values and Society - Siti Nurani Mohd Nor EJAIB 9 (1999), 166-9.
Commentary on Siti Nurani Mohd Nor - Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 9 (1999), 169.
Everything is Written in the Sky!: Participatory Meteorological Assessment and Prediction Based on Traditional Beliefs and Indicators in Saurashtra - P. R. Kanani with Astad Pastakia EJAIB 9 (1999), 170-6.
Mystical Bioethics Network EJAIB 9 (1999), 177.
What my mind longs the electorate to be? - D.S. Sheriff EJAIB 9 (1999), 177-8.
Memorial essay: Professor John Goldsmith and Lord Rabbi Immanuel Jakobovitts - Frank J. Leavitt EJAIB 9 (1999), 178-9.
EJAIB Volume 10 (2000):
Editorial - Into the New Millennium - Darryl Macer EJAIB 10 (2000), 1-2.
What ought to be done regarding health care ethics education in Japan? - Atsushi Asai, Shizuko Nagata & Tsuguya Fukui EJAIB 10 (2000), 2-5.
Commentary on Asai: Against universalism in clinical ethics - Yeruham Frank Leavitt EJAIB 10 (2000), 5.
Higher Education on the Pedestal of Academic Dishonesty - Dr.D.S.Sheriff, S. Omer Sheriff and M.Manopriya EJAIB 10 (2000), 6-8.
Ethical issues in holistic health and healing - Dr. A. K. Tharien EJAIB 10 (2000), 8-9.
Two Aspects of Brain Dead Being - Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 10 (2000), 10-11.
Rights and Duties: Ethics at the End of Life in Japan - Anne J. Davis, Emiko Konishi & Takako Mitoh EJAIB 10 (2000), 11-13.
How to teach about AIDS in High School Ethics Class - To think how society should be and how human beings should live - Izumi Ohtani EJAIB 10 (2000), 13-15.
How to consider the balance between environmentalism and liberalism in the class -Kaneo Inoue EJAIB 10 (2000), 15.
A comparative study on the values represented in Japanese primary school songs -Shoichi Kuroda EJAIB 10 (2000), 16-17.
The Teaching of Bioethics & the Training of a Socially Responsible Physician - Michael Cheng-tek Tai EJAIB 10 (2000), 17-19.
Buenos Aires Declaration: Biotechnology for Social and Economic Development EJAIB 10 (2000), 19-20.
Editorial - Darryl Macer EJAIB 10 (2000), 33.
Japanese Religious Organizations' View on Terminal Care - Noritoshi Tanida EJAIB 10 (2000), 34-37.
Ethical dilemmas in the context of ambiguity on a critical care unit in Norway - Eli Haugen Bunch EJAIB 10 (2000), 37-40.
Commentary on Bunch - Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 10 (2000), 40.
History of medical ethics in India - Sunil K. Pandya EJAIB 10 (2000), 40-44.
Codes and culture governing organ transplants in Turkey - Aysegül Demerhan Erdemir EJAIB 10 (2000), 44-48 .
Importance of Bioethics in Science Education - M. Selvanayagam and Francis P.Xavier EJAIB 10 (2000), 48-51.
The Role of A Hindu Cultural Determinism in the Execution of Autonomy in the Modern Health Care System in Nepal - V.Manickavel EJAIB 10 (2000), 51-53.
Morality in nature - Michael C. Morris EJAIB 10 (2000), 53-55.
Commentary on Morris: A course correction in Darwinism - Jayapaul Azariah EJAIB 10 (2000), 56-57.
Monaco Statement: Considerations on Bioethics and the Rights Of The Child EJAIB 10 (2000), 71-72.
A survey on the attitudes of 252 Japanese nurses towards Organ Transplantation and Brain Death - Ralph Seewald EJAIB 10 (2000), 72-76.
Commentary on Seewald - Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 10 (2000), 76-77.
Ethical, Legal and Social Issues Facing Capture Fisheries - V. Gopalakrishnan EJAIB 10 (2000), 77-81.
Environmental Ethics of Chlorine in the Marine Biome - Jayapaul Azariah
EJAIB 10 (2000), 81-82. The concept of universal variable and the question of Bioethics as love of life - Eliane S. Azevedo EJAIB 10 (2000), 82-84.
The Importance of Medical Humanity in Medical Education - Michael Cheng-tek Tai EJAIB 10 (2000), 84-85.
Humanistic Medicine: Commentary on Tai - Yeruham Frank Leavitt EJAIB 10 (2000), 85.
Code Of Ethical Practice for Biotechnology in Queensland - Draft For Public Comment download from ; EJAIB 10 (2000), 85-87.

Editorial: The need for ethics - Darryl Macer , EJAIB 10 (July 2000), 105.
Attitudes of the Public and Scientists to Biotechnology in Japan at the start of 2000 - Mary Ann Chen Ng, C. Takeda, T. Watanabe & D. Macer

, EJAIB 10 (July 2000), 106-113.
Anagogy of Autonomy - Ann Lewis Boyd , EJAIB 10 (July 2000), 113-9.
Commentary on Boyd - Masahiro Morioka , EJAIB 10 (July 2000), 119.
Attitudes and practices of patients and physicians towards patient autonomy -Batami Sadan and Tova Chajek-Shaul , EJAIB 10 (July 2000), 119-25.
Commentary on Sadan and Chajek-Shaul - Yeruham Frank Leavitt , EJAIB 10 (July 2000), 125.
Bioethics for the Medically Deprived - Yeruham Frank Leavitt , EJAIB 10 (July 2000), 126.
The Concept of "Third Cultures" in Intercultural Ethics - Richard Evanoff , EJAIB 10 (July 2000), 126-9.
Mystical Bioethics Network , EJAIB 10 (July 2000), 129.
Book Summary: "O Direito de Vir a Ser ap_s o nascimento", EJAIB 10 (July 2000), 130.

Editorial: The Eubios CD is here - Darryl Macer , EJAIB 10 (Sept 2000), 141.
Expectations of biotech of Japanese high school students in 1998 - Hiromitsu Komatsu & Darryl Macer, EJAIB 10 (Sept 2000), 142-7.
Commentary on Komatsu and Macer - Masahiro Morioka , EJAIB 10 (Sept 2000), 148.
Influence of Truth Disclosure on Quality of Life in Cancer Patients - Raghwesh Ranjan and K.K. Dua , EJAIB 10 (Sept 2000), 148-51.
Indian people can emotionally stand the truth of cancer, a commentary on the study by Ranjan and Dua - Noritoshi Tanida , EJAIB 10 (Sept 2000), 151-2.
Can Euthanasia be part of "Good-Doctoring?' - Sahin Aksoy , EJAIB 10 (Sept 2000), 152-4.
The UNESCO Declaration as a tool to bring together the Biology and the Law departments at the Univ. Cergy-Pontoise - F. Hardy, C. Bourdon and G. Kutukdjian , EJAIB 10 (Sept 2000), 154-7.
Commentary on Hardy, Bourdon & Kutukdjian -Yeruham Frank Leavitt , EJAIB 10 (Sept 2000), 157-8.

Editorial: Bioethics Meetings - Darryl Macer , EJAIB 10 (Nov 2000), 173.

International Association of Bioethics London Declaration , EJAIB 10 (Nov 2000), 174.

Change in high school student attitudes to biotechnology in response to teaching materials - Takeishi Oka & D. Macer , EJAIB 10 (Nov 2000), 174-8.

Why Japanese doctors performed human experiments in China 1933-1945 - Takashi Tsuchiya , EJAIB 10 (Nov 2000), 179-80.

Commentary on Tsuchiya - Masahiro Morioka , EJAIB 10 (Nov 2000), 180-1.

Bioethics and ecosustainability - Dipankar Saha, C.R. Hazra, D. Macer , EJAIB 10 (Nov 2000), 181-3.

Do We Have Alternatives to Feed the Growing Population - S. Seshadri and S. Ignacimuthu , EJAIB 10 (Nov 2000), 183-4.

Reply to Masahiro Morioka's Commentary on Seewald - Ralph Seewald , EJAIB 10 (Nov 2000), 184.

Whose English Language? - Yeruham Frank Leavitt , EJAIB 10 (Nov 2000), 185.

Ethics Education or Moral Preaching? - Ole Doering , EJAIB 10 (Nov 2000), 185-6.

Education and Bioethics- Raghwesh Ranjan , EJAIB 10 (Nov 2000), 186-7.

Age dependent variation in bioethical issues with reference to AIDS and its cure - N.S. Kavitha & Jayapaul Azariah , EJAIB 10 (Nov 2000), 188-9.

Editorial: What is our Bioethics? - Darryl Macer , EJAIB 11 (Jan 2001), 1-2.

Human Cloning Legislation in Japan - Jiro Nudeshima > , EJAIB 11 (Jan 2001), 2.

Commentary on Nudeshima - Masahiro Morioka > , EJAIB 11 (Jan 2001), 2-3.

Challenges of Japanese Doctors and human experimentation in China for East-Asian and Chinese bioethics - Jing-Bao Nie > , EJAIB 11 (Jan 2001), 3-7.

Is Asian Bioethics at Fault?: Commentary on Tsuchiya, Morioka,; and Nie - Yeruham Frank Leavitt , EJAIB 11 (Jan 2001), 7-8.

Ethics Committees in the Protection of Human Subjects - Alireza Bagheri > , EJAIB 11 (Jan 2001), 8-10.

A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Relationship Between Science and Bioethics - Richard Evanoff > , EJAIB 11 (Jan 2001), 11-3.

Hedonic Engineering - Emotional Independence? - David Pearce > , EJAIB 11 (Jan 2001), 13-4.

Can Ethics be Taught? - D.S.Sheriff > , EJAIB 11 (Jan 2001), 15-7.

Mystical Bioethics Network Papers
What Kalari Payyattu Means To Me, Spiritually! -V.R.Manoj > , EJAIB 11 (Jan 2001), 17.
Martial Arts for Love; - Frank Leavitt , EJAIB 11 (Jan 2001), 17-8.
Commentary on Manoj - Erin Williams> , EJAIB 11 (Jan 2001), 18.

Editorial: Limits on autonomy - Darryl Macer EJAIB 11 (March 2001), 33.
The ethics of the heart and transport choices in Japan - Hisanori Higurashi and Darryl Macer EJAIB 11 (March 2001), 34-41.
Commentary on Higurashi and Macer: Psychiatric Ethics and Transportation Ethics - Yeruham Frank Leavitt EJAIB 11 (March 2001), 42.
Teaching about the environment in Japan: a personal view - Michael Morris EJAIB 11 (March 2001), 42-44.
Comments on Inhumanity in the Name of Medicine: Old Cases and New Voices for Responsible Medical Ethics from Japan and China - Ole Doering EJAIB 11 (March 2001), 44-47.
A short history of euthanasia laws, and their place in Turkish law - Aysegil Demirhan Erdemir and Imir Elcioglu EJAIB 11 (March 2001), 47-49.
Is Monotheistic Theology an Obstacle to Universal Bioethics? -Avi Gold EJAIB 11 (March 2001), 50-51.
Moving on from a Patient-Centred to a God-Centred Ethics - Siti Nurani Mohamed Nor EJAIB 11 (March 2001), 52-53.

Editorial: Clinical ethics - Darryl Macer EJAIB 11 (May 2001), 65.
Some fundamental questions about human life: Ethical comments of Japanese physicians in terms of the appropriate care of patients in persistent vegetative state - Atsushi Asai EJAIB 11 (May 2001), 66-67.
Attitudes of people to the truth-telling issue in Turkey - Nermin Ersoy EJAIB 11 (May 2001), 68-74.
A Case Report from Turkey - Mebrure Deger and Hanzade Dogan EJAIB 11 (May 2001), 74-75.
Maternal Education as a Strategy for Children's Survival and Health in Developing Countries, in Bangladesh - Wardatul Akmam EJAIB 11 (May 2001), 76-78.
Views of Indian Medical Students on Bioethics and the Teaching of Ethics - Pushpa Dhar and Darryl Macer EJAIB 11 (May 2001), 78-82.
Bioethics for the Deprived: Comments on Dhar and Macer - Frank (Yeruham) Leavitt EJAIB 11 (May 2001), 82.
Attitudes towards animals & animal loving week among Japanese young adults - S. Kanamori, T. Kawashima, M. Kuwabara, and D. Macer EJAIB 11 (May 2001), 82-84.

Editorial: - Darryl Macer EJAIB 11 (July 2001), 96.

HUGO Ethics Committee Statement on Gene Therapy Research (June 2001), EJAIB 11 (2001), 97-8.

Ethical or Not: A Case of Personal and Agency Guidelines- Robert E. Landsman EJAIB 11 (July 2001), 99-101.

What is wrong about Human Reproductive Cloning? A Legal Perspective - Tade Matthias Spranger EJAIB 11 (July 2001), 101-102.

Bioethics, Communication Problems: Need for Media and Pressure Group Activism - R.N. Sharma EJAIB 11 (July 2001), 102-105.

Bioethics Education in Croatia (Rijeka model)- Nada Gosic and Ivan Segota EJAIB 11 (July 2001), 105-106.

Why bring up the past tragedy again? - Rongxia Chen EJAIB 11 (July 2001), 107.

A Proposal for Revision of the Organ Transplantation Law based on a Child Donor's Prior Declaration - Masahiro Morioka and Tateo Sugimoto EJAIB 11 (July 2001), 108-110.

Commentary on Ranjan: Spirituality and Religion, are they Connected? - Frank (Yeruham) Leavitt EJAIB 11 (July 2001), 110-111.
Religion, Education and Bioethical Maturity - Raghwesh Ranjan EJAIB 11 (July 2001), 111.
What is our Body? - V.R.Manoj EJAIB 11 (July 2001), 111-3.
Commentary on Manoj- Erin D. Williams / Commentary on Manoj- Frank (Yeruham) Leavitt EJAIB 11 (July 2001), 113.

Editorial: Religion and global bioethics - Darryl Macer EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 129.

A 'Contract Model' for Genetic Research and Health Care for Individuals and Families - Hans-Martin Sass EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 130-2.

Privacy is Dead: Commentary on Hans-Martin Sass - Frank (Yeruham) Leavitt EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 132.

Ethical debate over Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis in Japan - Yasuko Shirai EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 132-136.

Rethinking patient-health care provider relations: An ethical perspective - Batami Sadan EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 136-141.

Reasons for Discontinuation of Treatments for Severely Demented Patients: A Japanese Physician's View - Atsushi Asai and Motoki Onishi EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 141-144.

The Ethics and Deliberate Release of GMOs - Tade Matthias Spranger EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 144-146.

Introducing a 'Thin Theory' for Cross-Cultural Hermeneutics in Medical Ethics. Reflections from the Research Project 'Biomedicine and Ethics in China' - Ole Doering EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 146-152.

The Influence of Culture, Ideologies, Religion and Political Boundary Determines Universal Bioethics -Baby Joseph EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 152-156.

Polytheism and development of universal ethics - K. K. Verma and Rashmi Saxena EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 156.

Response to Verma and Saxena -Avi Gold EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 156-7.

A Short Response to Gold, Verma, and Saxena -Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 157.

Forward looking universal bioethics: Polytheism and Monotheism - Jayapaul Azariah EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 157-159.

Challenges of Global Bioethics for Developing Countries - M. K. Tadjudin EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 159.

Religion Obviously Teaches Tolerance, Humbleness and Respect For Fellow Beings - Raghwesh Ranjan EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 159-160.

John Lennon, Love, Religion and Bioethics - Erin D. Williams EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 160.

Reply to Raghwesh Ranjan - Frank J. Leavitt EJAIB 11 (Sept. 2001), 160-161.

Editorial: Membership of Eubios Ethics Institute - Darryl Macer EJAIB 11 (Nov. 2001), 177.

Cybofree - Cyborgs, Fantasy, Reality, Ethics and Education (FREE) - V.R. Manoj and Jayapaul Azariah EJAIB 11 (Nov. 2001), 178-183.

On-line appendix on technical issues of cyborgs EJAIB 11 (Nov. 2001), 183, 10 pages.

Teaching Bioethics in Two Cultures, Thailand and USA - Ann Lewis Boyd and Ole Doering EJAIB 11 (Nov. 2001), 184-9.

Education of Medical Ethics at Istanbul and Uludag Universities, Turkey - A.D.Erdemir and O.Oncel EJAIB 11 (Nov. 2001), 189-191.

Re-Creation of Nature as an Appropriate Means for Biosecurity - Baby Joseph and M. Selvanayagam EJAIB 11 (Nov. 2001), 191-5.

Children Competency and donor's prior declaration: Commentary on Morioka - Alireza Bagheri EJAIB 11 (Nov. 2001), 195-6.

Reply to Alireza Bagheri - Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 11 (Nov. 2001), 196.

The Monotheism-Polytheism Discussion: Commentary on Verma, Saxena, Gold, Morioka and Azariah - Frank J. Leavitt EJAIB 11 (Nov. 2001), 196-197.


Editorial - Darryl Macer EJAIB 12 (Jan. 2002), 1.

Towards the Bioethics of Individual's Health: Introduction of the Cosmist Philosophical Fundamentals - Konstantin S. Khroutski EJAIB 12 (Jan. 2002), 2-9.

Prescription for Life in the Universe - R. N. Sharma EJAIB 12 (Jan. 2002), 9-11.

Corporations and the Cause of Environmental Protection - Napoleon M. Mabaquiao, Jr. EJAIB 12 (Jan. 2002), 11-15.

Commentary on Mabaquiao - Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 12 (Jan. 2002), 15.

Tradition and Conservation in Northeastern India: An Ethical Analysis - Abhik Gupta and Kamalesh Guha EJAIB 12 (Jan. 2002), 15-18.

Cancer Disclosure from Recent Medical Malpractice Cases in Japan-Sumiko Takanami EJAIB 12 (Jan. 2002), 19-21.

Clinical Ethics Discussion: Should a physician be allowed to prescribe psychotropic drugs for a delusional patient without explicit explanation regarding diagnosis and treatments? Commentary by Koichiro Itai; Commentary by Atsushi Asai; The Need For Due Process in Psychiatric Ethics: Commentary on Itai and Asai - Frank (Yeruham) Leavitt EJAIB 12 (Jan. 2002), 21-25.

Stories from the Bioscience Ethics Classroom: Under- graduate students' perceptions of their learning - Wilhelmina Van Rooy and Irina Pollard EJAIB 12 (Jan. 2002), 26-30.

Legal Aspects of Human Cloning - A Reaction to Spranger - Verma EJAIB 12 (Jan. 2002), 30

Editorial: Eubios Ethics Institute as ABA secretariat - Darryl Macer EJAIB 12 (March 2002), 45.

Eubios Declaration for International Bioethics (Open for signature from 1 March 2002) EJAIB 12 (March 2002), 46-48.

Understanding Morality as a Ground for Exclusion From Patentability Under European Law - Sivaramjani Thambisetty EJAIB 12 (March 2002), 48-53.

9-11: Experiences and Reflections - James Dwyer EJAIB 12 (March 2002), 53-57.

Commercial Introduction of Transgenics in developing countries - Some points to ponder - S. Seshadri, K. Kathiravan, S. Ignacimuthu and S. Janarthanan EJAIB 12 (March 2002), 57-59.

To what extent should Animal Cloning be Permitted? - Maurizio Salvi EJAIB 12 (March 2002), 59-63.

Human Cloning : A Reaction to Verma - Tade Matthias Spranger EJAIB 12 (March 2002), 63.

German Parliament Paves the Way for ES Cell Research - Tade Matthias Spranger EJAIB 12 (March 2002), 63-64.

Genotype and Mana - K.K.Verma and Rashmi Saxena / Commentary on Verma and Saxena - Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 12 (March 2002), 64-65.

An Essay on the Principle of Informed Consent versus the Significance of Trust for Subjects of Biomedical Research - Jon Vegar Hugaas EJAIB 12 (March 2002), 65-71.

Best wishes from medical students - G.Sivagnanam, M. Rajasekaran, P. Thirumalaikolundusubramanian, K.Namasivayam, C.Jayashree and C.Ravindranath EJAIB 12 (March 2002), 71-72

Hope and Fear in Genetics - Vijay Rajput EJAIB 12 (March 2002), 72-74.

Editorial: Water ethics and pharmacoethics - Darryl Macer EJAIB 12 (May 2002), 81.

Nature, Life and Water Ethics - Darryl R.J. Macer and Masaru Morita EJAIB 12 (May 2002), 82-88.

Extending the Concept of Informed Consent to Global Environmental Decision-making - Richard Evanoff EJAIB 12 (May 2002), 88-90.

The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being With Regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine - Ismini Kriari - Catranis EJAIB 12 (May 2002), 90-4.

Disability Movement and Inner Eugenic Thought: A Philosophical Aspect of Independent Living and Bioethics- Masahiro MoriokaEJAIB 12 (May 2002), 94-7.

Pharmacy and Bioethics - Towards the "Doctor Of Pharmacotherapy" in a Drugstore - Olga A. Khroutski and Konstantin S. Khroutski EJAIB 12 (May 2002), 97-103.

Globalization, Bioethics and the Cultures of Developing Countries - Soraj Hongladarom EJAIB 12 (May 2002), 103-105.

Decisions in Circumstances of Poverty - Eliane S. Azevedo

Mystical Bioethics Network

Loss of Mystery - V.R. Manoj / Commentary on Manoj - Erin D. Williams / Mysticism and bioethics - Frank J. Leavitt EJAIB 12 (May 2002), 105-107.

Patent Law: Commentary on Thambisetty - Tade Matthias Spranger EJAIB 12 (May 2002), 109.

Initial Signatories to the Eubios Declaration and CommentsEJAIB 12 (May 2002),109-10.

Editorial: Living Bioethics Dictionary Project - Darryl Macer EJAIB 12 (July 2002), 121.

Further comments on the Eubios Declaration for International Bioethics EJAIB 12 (July 2002), 122.

Human cloning in Singapore: Emergence of Asian bioethics - Tade Matthias Spranger EJAIB 12 (July 2002), 122.

Medical Educational Effect of Group Encounters - Hiroko Itatani, T. Kikkawa, K. Takeda, Y. Shinpo EJAIB 12 (July 2002), 123-128.

Respiritualizing Medicine? - Barbara Prainsack EJAIB 12 (July 2002), 128-132.

The respiritualization of medicine could go even further: Commentary on Barbara Prainsack - Frank J. Leavitt EJAIB 12 (July 2002),132.

Unknowability and Humility in Clinical Ethical Decisions - Atsushi Asai EJAIB 12 (July 2002), 133-137.

Terminating Futile Medical Treatment and Passive Euthanasia: Is there a Difference? - Yu Kam Por EJAIB 12 (July 2002), 137-138.

Women's Education and Fertility Rates in Developing Countries, With Special Reference to Bangladesh - Wardatul Akmam EJAIB 12 (July 2002), 138-143.

Developing Holistic health care in the third world: A working study proposal - Rakesh Biswas,Nupur Sarkar, Arvind M Theodore,Bisshow Kalyan Parajuli, Vijay Alurkar,Kiduwur J Shetty, J S Nagra EJAIB 12 (July 2002), 143-147.

Ethical Dilemmas in Medico-genomic Research Need Open Debate - Chandra Jeet Singh and N.S. Kavitha EJAIB 12 (July 2002), 147-149.

Amara: The Colour of Difference EJAIB 12 (July 2002), 149-150.

Commentary on Amara - Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 12 (July 2002), 151.

ES Cells and the definition of an embryo - Richard M. Lebovitz EJAIB 12 (July 2002), 151-153.

Bioethics must value and empower "Geront" -R.N. Sharma EJAIB 12 (July 2002), 153.

Editorial: ABA4 and TRT8 - Darryl Macer EJAIB 12 (Sept. 2002), 161

What is Bioethics? Commentary on Harris & Sass on The Eubios Declaration, Biswas on Holistic Health Care, Yu Kam Por on Futile Medical Treatment - Frank J. Leavitt EJAIB 12 (Sept. 2002), 162-4

Australian Empirical Study into Genetic Discrimination - M.F. Otlowski, S.D. Taylor, K.K. Barlow-Stewart EJAIB 12 (Sept. 2002), 164-7

Genetics and Social Justice - Ann Lewis Boyd EJAIB 12 (Sept. 2002), 167-71

Commentary on Boyd - Masahiro Morioka EJAIB 12 (Sept. 2002), 171

Legal Aspects of Genetic Data Banking in Germany - Juergen Simon and Susanne Braun EJAIB 12 (Sept. 2002), 171-6

On the technologizing and technocratic trends in bioethics - Y. Michael Barilan EJAIB 12 (Sept. 2002), 176-81

In Search of Solutions: Commentary on Barilan - Jayapaul Azariah EJAIB 12 (Sept. 2002), 181

What kind of questions should be asked in studying the social acceptability of food biotechnology? A Moral- economic approach - Ilkka Kauppinen EJAIB 12 (Sept. 2002), 182-5

Doctors on the Internet - Legal and Practical Implications - Rajesh Sivaswamy and Jidesh Kumar EJAIB 12 (Sept. 2002), 185-8.

EJAIB (November, 2002)

203-6 Finite or Infinite Mind?: A Proposal for an Integrative Mental Mapping Project - Darryl Macer

207-210 Report of the 2002 ABA General Meeting; Letter to IAB Board from ABA Board

210-11 The Asian Bioethics Association Constitution

211 The Language Barrier Cripples Asian Bioethics - Dena Hsin-Chen Hsin

212-4 Bioethical Transparency and Vegetarianism: Report - Frank J. Leavitt

214-6 AIDS Care and Human Rights in rural India: Translating policy into practice - Sudha Sivaram

216-9 The Family's Role in Medical Decision-making from the Point of View of a Physician in the United States - Sumiko Takanami

219-21 The Status Of Children's Rights in the Field Of Health In Turkish Law - OS Elcioglu,Y Gunay, SO Ozdemir, and AD Erdemir

221-3 Children's Health Rights in Turkey - Nurdan Kirimlioglu and Omur Elcioglu

224 Sand Mining: An Ecological Threat - A. Jospeh Thatheyus

224-5 The Importance of Nighttime Course Education in Japanese High Schools - Miyako Tachibana

225-8 Biology & life views through a class on brain death - Naoki Shiraishi

228-9 Dharma: Commentary on Leavitt's Commentary - Bhakta Jan Mares

229-31 Research project on Cultural Issues in Bioethics

EJAIB volume 13 (2003)

1 Editorial: Geographical diversity, culture and bioethics - Darryl Macer

2 IAB Executive Response to ABA Board

3-6 Brain Death and Organ Transplantation: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice among Japanese students - A. Bagheri, T. Tanaka, H. Takahashi, S. Shoji

6 Commentary on Bagheri et al. - Masahiro Morioka

6-8 Informed Consent in Gerontology - Rosana Soibelmann Glock and Jos? Roberto Goldim

8 Compromised Autonomy, and Asian Autonomy: Commentaries on Glock & Goldim, and Dena Hsin-Chen Hsin - Frank J. Leavitt

8-10 Ethical Challenges of Human Genome Diversity Research - Xu Zongliang

11-15 The EU Regulation on GMOs, Multinational Biotechnology Companies and their lobby group, EuropaBio- Dilek Demirbas

15-19 Introducing the Emergence-Discourse Method to Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics: In Search for Rational Comprehension of Individual Health- Konstantin S. Khroutski and Eimantas Peicius

20-25 The Limitations of the Dutch Concept of Euthanasia - Margaret Sleeboom

37 Editorial: 50th Issue - After TRT8 - Darryl Macer

38 The Behaviourome / Mental Map Project: Second Stage - Darryl Macer

39-41 Multiple Facets of the Fantasies of the Asian Mind - Jayapaul Azariah

41-42 Human mental mapping - A preliminary attempt - K. K Verma

43-44 Integrative Human Idea Mapping should include Food, Agriculture and the Environment - Dipankar Saha, H.S. Sen, A. Saha

44-48 Choose Between Cooperation and Annihilation: A Mental Mapping Project Towards Generously Directed Altruism - Irina Pollard

48-49 Is The Number of Our Possible Thoughts Finite or Infinite? - Frank J. Leavitt

50 Bioethics in Asia and the IAB-ABA letter exchange

Postscript to Darryl Macer's EJAIB Editorial: and IAB-ABA

51 When did "bioethics" begin in each country? A proposal of a comparative study - Masahiro Morioka

51-53 A Historical Overview of the Developing Medical Ethics Culture in the New Jewish Settlement in Israel During the Years 1840 - 1914 - Orit Navot

53-57 Autonomy as a Universal Expectation: A Review and a Research Proposal - Luis Justo and Jorgelina Villarreal

57-59 Genetic health care services, present and near future in Japan - Ichiro Matsuda

59-61 Assisted Reproduction - Islamic Views on the Science of Procreation - Norhayati Haji Ahmad

61-63 Clinical Ethics Discussion 2: The Family and Assisted Reproductive Technology - Yukari Take and Atsushi Asai

63-65 Globalisation and Rural Poor - J. Delphine Prema Dhanaseeli & A.Joseph Thatheyus

73-74 ABA Membership list

77 Editorial: Ideas of SARS - Darryl Macer

78-90 Attitudes to biotechnology in Japan in 2003 - Masakazu Inaba and Darryl Macer

90 The Behaviourome / Mental Map Project Updates

91-93 Human Idea Map: Follow-up of the Human Genome Map? - Margaret Sleeboom

93-97 Integrative Mental Mapping Project Under the 'EDM' Processing: The Thesis - Konstantin S. Khroutski

98 Letter from the Presidents of the ABA and the IAB

99 HUGO Statement on Human Genomic Databases

100-2 In The Shadow of the Past Atrocities: Research Ethics with Human Subjects in Contemporary Japan - Takashi Tsuchiya

102-4 Ambiguities In Judging Cruel Human Experimentation: Arbitrary American Responses to German & Japanese Experiments - Hans-Martin Sass

104-6 Ethical Lessons of the Failure to Bring the Japanese Doctors' to Justice - Michael Thomas

106-7 A Call for Further Studies on the Ethical Lessons of Japanese Doctors' Experimentation in Wartime China for Asian and International Bioethics Today - Jing-Bao Nie, T. Tsuchiya, H-M. Sass, K. Tsuneishi

107-8 SARS: An Asian catastrophe which has challenged the relationships between people in society - My experience in Taiwan - Dena Hsin-Chen Hsin

108-10 What have we experienced and learned from the outbreak of SARS in Beijing? - Baoqi Su

111-2 Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail, Spam and Terrorism; An Ethical Discussion

112-3 Spam and Terror, An Insulting Comparison: Commentary on Vinod Scaria - Frank J. Leavitt

113 A report on "An Initiative on Bioethics from the Islamic World" - Alireza Bagheri

125-127 Ethical considerations in the HapMap project: An insider's personal view -Darryl Macer

127-130 Provisions For Review of Genetic Research in Japan - Takashi Tsuchiya

130-134 The Status of Ethics Committees in Japan - Yasuko Shirai

134-135 Let's Stop Bashing Japan: Commentary on Tsuchiya, Sass, Thomas, Nie & Tsuneishi - Frank J. Leavitt

135-136 Bioethics and Human Mental Mapping: Are Ideas Finite or Infinite - Irina Pollard

136-137 Human mental working and "Yoga" - K.K. Verma

137-139 Attitudes of Brazilian undergraduate students towards genetic engineering and genetically engineered products - Ekkehard Hansen and Laureni Aparecida Nascimento

139-142 Medical student narratives for understanding Disease and social order in the third world - R. Biswas, B. Dhakal, GR Dhakal, R N Das, and JS Nagra

142-143 SARS as an ethical test - James Dwyer

143-147 Clinical Ethical Discussion 2: Should a physician withdraw ventilation support from a patient with respiratory failure when the patient prefers not to undergo tracheotomy? - Seiji Bito, Kazuki Chiba, and Atsushi Asai

147-151 Ethics in questionnaire-based research - Atsushi Asai, Takeo Nakayama

161-2 Editorial: Bioethics dialogue in public -Darryl Macer

162-6 Let's Never Stop Bashing Inhumanity - Jing-Bao Nie

166-7 Let's Deal with the Issue: Commentary on Leavitt - Michael Thomas

167-8 Reply to Leavitt's Commentary "Let's Stop Bashing Japan" - Takashi Tsuchiya

168 Commentary: Bash Evil in Every Generation, But Don't Bash Innocent Children and Grandchildren - Frank J. Leavitt

168-175 Medicality: The fifth bioethical principle of medical ethics for the internal morality of medicine - Y. Michael Barilan

175-6 A discussion on the perspectives of Suicide related Information on the Internet - Vinod Scaria

176-9 The moral status of patients in Greece - Filimon Peonidis

179-81 Globalisation and Environmental Health - A.Joseph Thatheyus and J. Delphine Prema Dhanaseeli

181-3 Strategies against the Threat to Rural Poor - A.Maria Alphonsal and J. Delphine Prema Dhanaseel

183-186 Children Rights and a Sample Study on Accidents in Children Groups Aged 0-5 Years Old in the Light of Parents' Responsibilty in Turkey - Om�r Elcioglu, Sahin Aksoy, Tar�k G�nd�z

186-9 Attitude of health care professionals in clinical care of children in Japan - Ichiro Matsuda and Shoju Onishi

189-191 Review: Blood And Guts: A Short History Of Medicine - Haim Marantz

191-194 Human Interference in the Affairs of God - M.N. Jha and S.K. Misra

205 Editorial: Open access and working together -Darryl Macer

206-7 New Forms To Old Ideas: Social Darwinism and Human Research - Luzitano B. Ferreira & Henry P. Novion

208 Commentary on Ferreira & Novion - Frank J. Leavitt

208-9 SARS and Health Care Workers' Duty - Yujin Nagasawa

209-10 Shadows of Doubt - Denise M. Hise

210-13 End of Life Issues and Moral Certainty: A Discovery through Hinduism - R. R. Kishore

213-5 Physician Non-Disclosure & Paternalism in Terminal Care: Ethical Issues for Japanese Nurses - Emiko Konishi and Anne J. Davis

216-9 New Cloning Technologies and Bioethics Issues: The Legislative Process in Korea - Sung-Goo Han,Young Je Yoo, & Wha-Joon Rho

219-221 Ethical Considerations for Tissue Typing in Order to Detect Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Compatibility - Frida Simonstein

221-3 A few considerations on ancient and modern eugenics - Sci. res. Oana Iftime

223-4 Impact of Biotechnology in Reducing Poverty and Hunger in Pakistan - Farzana Panhwar

224-6 Medical Ethics & Reverence for Life - D.S.Sheriff

January 2004

1 Editorial: Thanks for ABC5/TRT9-Darryl Macer

2-3 The Muttukadu Statement on Our Common Bioethical Future in our Shared Environment with Technology

3-4 Presidential Message of ABA for ABC5 - Qiu Renzong

4-5 Happy New Year: ABA Vice-President's Report - Frank J. Leavitt

5-10 ABA Country Report for China 2003 - Zhai Xiaomei

10 A Brief Report on the Bioethical Events associated with the Korean Bioethics Association (KBA) since ABC4 in Seoul - Sang-yong Song

10-12 Many Facets of Our Minds - Compiled by Jayapaul Azariah

12-13 Social Darwinism - a misinterpretation of a scientific theory (A reaction to Ferreira and Novion) - K. K. Verma

13-22 Asian and Western Bioethics: Converging, Conflicting, Competing? - Hans-Martin Sass

22-28 Integral and Differential Mapping of Human Ideas: Structural and Functional Aspects of Altruism and Agroecology in Human Decision Theory - Dipankar Saha, H.S. Sen, and A. Saha

28-34 Meditation and Brain Function: A Review - Irina Pollard

41 Editorial: Bioethics for Informed Citizens across Cultures -Darryl Macer

42-48 A National Survey of Physicians' Attitudes toward Protecting Human Research Participants in Taiwan - Tang Shih et al.

48-49 Artificial Insemination and happiness - Yali Cong

50-52 Ethics in Domestic Violence Research - Omur Elcioglu,Oztan Oncel, Ilhami Unluoglu

52-7 Clinical Ethics Discussion 4: Urgent "lifesaving" clinical research - Atsushi Asai and Koichiro Itai

57 Experimental Medical Treatment for a Terminal Pediatric Patient: Commentary on Asai & Itai - Frank J. Leavitt

58-9 The Development of Health Insurance in Turkey and its Importance from the Point of View of Medical Ethics - Ibrahim Basagaoglu and Aysegul Demirhan Erdemir

59-61 Biological Views of the Inexistence of Human Races - Silviene F. Oliveira and Luzitano B. Ferreira

61-63 Cyber-pharmacies and ethical concerns over marketing drugs online - Vinod Scaria

63-5 Actualisation of the 'Philosophical Functionalism' in Bioethics - Konstantin S. Khroutski

81 Editorial: UNESCO's Challenge -Darryl Macer

82-85 Privacy versus public interest in developing human genetic databases - Baoqi Su and Darryl Macer

85-89 Reflections on Transgenics and Sustainable Development - Lucas Moraes de Aguiar, Nilza Maria Diniz

89 How much of this is Really Proven? Commentary - Frank J. Leavitt

90-91 Implementation of patients' rights in the Slovak Republic - Alexandra Brazinov�, Em�lia Jansk�, Richard Jurkovi

91-95 Reconsidering the Japanese Negative Attitude Toward Brain Death and Organ Transplantation - Masayuki Yoshida

95-97 Opinions over the use of nonhuman primates in research among Indonesian students - Joakim Hagelin

97-99 The ethical challenge of stem cell research and tissue transplantation - Saeideh Ziaei and Mohsen Farokhi

99-101 Secretary's report of ABA 2003-2004 - Darryl Macer

101-103 Contribution of ABA to UNESCO IBC "Towards a Declaration on Universal Norms on Bioethics"

117 Editorial: Traditions for Today? -Darryl Macer

118-134 Attitudes to Bioethics and Biotechnology in Thailand (1993-2000), and Impacts on Employment - Chalobon Kachonpadungkitti and Darryl Macer

134-135 The Importance of Besim Omer (Akalin)'s 1906 Article "Doktorlar Ve Avukatlar" (Doctors and Advocates) from the Point of View of the Principles of Medical Ethics - Prof. Dr. Aysegul Demirhan Erdemir

135-8 Interviewing on life threatening issues for research purposes: can it be harmful for the patient? - S. Papagrigoriadis and A. Koreli

138-141 Bhagavad Gita and Management - M.P. Bhattathiry

141-6 The Buddhist Concept of Life, Suffering and Death, and Related Bioethical Issues - Pinit Ratanakul

146-7 Buddhism, Hume & the Ego: Commentary on Ratanakul - Frank J. Leavitt

147-148 E-Health Ethics: A Yet to be Recognized Issue in Medicine and Medical Ethics - Hans-Martin Sass & Xiaomei Zhai

148 Gene Cloning is Natural or Not... Is It a Dangerous Tale? 148 - Cagatay Ustun

101-103 Hindu Ethics on the Moral Question of Abortion - Edward Omar Moad

161 Editorial: Asian Bioethics Association (ABA) election -Darryl Macer

162-164 Buddhism, Health & Disease - Pinit Ratanakul

164-165 Response to Frank Leavitt in July 2004 EJAIB - Pinit Ratanakul

165-9 Mental health care in African traditional medicine and society: A Philosophical Appraisal - F. Peter Omonzejele

169-170 The Self and Mental Illness: Commentary on Omonzejele and Ratanakul - Frank J. Leavitt

170-174 E-Health, Health Promotion and Wellness Communities in Cyberspace - Hans-Martin Sass

193 Editorial: Asian-Europe Dialogue -Darryl Macer

193-194 Introduction: the ASEAN-EU LEMLIFE Project - Soraj Hongladarom

194-197 Asian Bioethics Revisited: What is it?, and is there such a Thing? - Soraj Hongladarom

197-199 Human Cloning & Embryonic Stem Cell Research: A View from Theravada Buddhist Morality - Somparn Promta

199-203 Access & benefit sharing in population based research: Indirect benefit sharing as a model of regulation - J�rgen Simon & Cristina Blohm-Seewald

203-208 IPR and the Controversy between Developed and Developing Countries: Is It Ethical to Take Care for Animals' Suffering but to Forget the Needs of Humans for Survival? - Carlos Mar�a Romeo-Casabona

208-211 Global Institutionalization of Governance of Biotechnology and Universality of Ethical Principles - Minakshi Bhardwaj

211-213 Organ donation as an ethical imperative - Nikolaus Knoepffler

213-214 The German Stem Cell Law: Contents and Criticism - Brigitte Jansen / J�rgen Simon

214-216 Religion and opinion about reproductive human cloning - Joakim Hagelin

216-218 Ethical Issues of Clinical Teaching in Chinese Hospitals: Informed consent is of great significance to clinical teaching - Xiaoyang Chen and Tongwei Yang

218-222 Challenge of Technocracy: Lessons from AUM - Stefano Fait

Darryl Macer, Editorial: Move to Thailand EJAIB 15 (January 2005), 1.
Hadas Gabizon-David and Frank J. Leavitt, Wittgensteinian Philosophy, Anthropology and the Ethics of PsychiatryEJAIB 15 (January 2005), 2-6.
Konstantin S. Khroutski, Three Dimensions of Contemporary Bioethics: Western, Global, CosmistEJAIB 15 (January 2005), 6-9.
Pushpa Dhar, Body Donation - A need based problem! EJAIB 15 (January 2005), 10-12.
M. Cristina Rosamond Pinto, Some Ethical Issues Concerning Medical Reproduction in PortugalEJAIB 15 (January 2005), 12-13.
Frida Simonstein, Artificial Reproduction Technologies and Ectogenesis EJAIB 15 (January 2005), 13-15.
James A. Rice, What's Morality Got to Do With it? The Need for Principle in Reproductive Technology and Embryo ResearchEJAIB 15 (January 2005), 16-21.
Oana Iftime, Do we need a Thanatoethics? EJAIB 15 (January 2005), 22-25.
Paolo Becchi, Are the dead really departed when we remove their organs ? EJAIB 15 (January 2005), 25-28.
Masahiro Morioka, Commentary on BecchiEJAIB 15 (January 2005), 29-30.
Reviewed by: Michael Barr, Bioethics thick and thin: A review of Genomics In Asia: A Clash of Bioethical Interests? edited by M. SleeboomEJAIB 15 (January 2005), 30-32.
Atsushi Asai, Yugo Narita, Etsuyo Nishigaki, Seiji Bito, Taishu Masano, Yukari Take, Yasuhiko Miura, Koichiro Itai, and Shunichi Fukuhara, Perceptions of interpersonal relationships held by patients with obstinate diseaseEJAIB 15 (January 2005), 32-35.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Across CulturesEJAIB 15 (March 2005), 33.
Denise M. Hise, Death's DoorstepEJAIB 15 (March 2005), 38-40.
K. K. Verma and Rashmi Verma, Humans, a species with parapatric populations (?)EJAIB 15 (March 2005), 40-42.
Mandeep Kaur, Genetic Testing and Research - Ethics and LegislationsEJAIB 15 (March 2005), 42-44.
Eliane S. Azevedo, An ethical view, from developing countries, on pharmacogenomicsEJAIB 15 (March 2005), 44-46.
Tade Matthias Spranger, Biotech Patents in Australia: Recommendations of the Australian Law Reform CommissionEJAIB 15 (March 2005), 46-7.
Luzitano B. Ferreira, HIV/AIDS Epidemic, Natural Selection and Poverty EJAIB 15 (March 2005), 47-49.
Peter, F. Omonzejele, Obligation of Non-maleficence and Female Circumcision in Africa: A Moral DiscourseEJAIB 15 (March 2005), 49-52.
Xiong Lei, Human Right Issues in Life SciencesEJAIB 15 (March 2005), 52-55
Ole Doering, Bringing Bioethics back to earth: Comment on Xiong
Lei's Article EJAIB 15 (March 2005), 55
Maya Cohen and Shiran Efraty, China: Ethical Issues in the Family Planning ProgramEJAIB 15 (March 2005), 55-58
UNESCO IBC, Preliminary Draft Declaration on Universal Norms on
Bioethics EJAIB 15 (March 2005), 58-63
Luzitano B. Ferreira & Cl?a R. O. Ribeiro, Ethical issues about human reproductive cloningEJAIB 15 (March 2005), 63-7.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: New Website EJAIB 15 (May 2005), 69.
David Cummiskey, Declaring Death, Giving Life EJAIB 15 (May 2005), 70-6.
Dipankar Saha and Darryl Macer, Bioethics in Property Rights and Biosafety of Biotech- governance: Role of Behaviourome Mapping EJAIB 15 (May 2005), 76-83.
Sarah E Hilmer, Euthanasia: A 2005 New South Wales Supreme Court Decision EJAIB 15 (May 2005), 83.
- Ann Boyd and Denise Hise, Interpreting Helsinki in a Pluralistic World EJAIB 15 (May 2005), 83-7.
Mpho Selemogo, Africa's AIDS crisis : A case study in international injustice EJAIB 15 (May 2005), 87-90.
M.N.Jha, Cloning of Little 'Nikky': What Next? EJAIB 15 (May 2005), 90-92.
Kim Kah Hwi, Chin Kah Chuan and Munehiro Goto, Expert System on Diagnosis, Treatment and Alleviation of Stress EJAIB 15 (May 2005), 92-98.

BBRT1 abstracts EJAIB 15 (July, 2005), 100-135.

Darryl Macer, Editorial: Social responsibility and bioethics EJAIB 15 (Sept. 2005), 137.
Alireza Bagheri & Darryl Macer, Ethics Review of Externally-Sponsored Research in Japan EJAIB 15 (Sept. 2005), 138-41. / p. 140-141
Merry Osemwegie, Bioethics in Africa: The new human genetics and a case for responsible global governance EJAIB 15 (Sept. 2005), 141-160.
Hans-Martin Sass, Emergency Management in Public Health Ethics: Triage, Epidemics, Biomedical Terror and Warfare EJAIB 15 (Sept. 2005), 161-7.

Darryl Macer, Editorial: ABC6 in Turkey EJAIB 15 (Nov. 2005), 169.
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights EJAIB 15 (Nov. 2005), 170-178.
Dragan Pavlovic and Snezana Divac, Ethics of Concerns and Life Cessation Decisions: When Emotions are All What Remains EJAIB 15 (Nov. 2005), 178-183.
Kamal Kumar Dua, Bhagavad Gita on Divine Values: A Pathway for Ethical Evolution EJAIB 15 (Nov. 2005), 183-185.
S Murali, Green Whispers EJAIB 15 (Nov. 2005), 185-7.
Luzitano Brando Ferreira, Utilization of the race concept in the medical sciences EJAIB 15 (Nov. 2005), 187-9.
Report of the 2005 Asian Bioethics Association (ABA) Board Meetings and General Meeting EJAIB 15 (Nov. 2005), 190-1.
Darryl Macer, Report of the First UNESCO Bangkok Bioethics Roundtable (BBRT1) EJAIB 15 (Nov. 2005), 191-5.
Report on Bioethics Education Textbook Project Meeting EJAIB 15 (Nov. 2005), 195-7.

Darryl Macer, Editorial: Science and Culture EJAIB 16 (Jan. 2006), 1.
Declaration Of Gij�n Against The Use Of Biological Weapons EJAIB 16 (Jan. 2006), 2-3.
K. K. Verma, Scams in Science EJAIB 16 (Jan. 2006), 3-4.
Karolyn White, Catherine McGrath, Ian Kerridge, Multicultural medicine: ethical issues encountered when perspectives differ EJAIB 16 (Jan. 2006), 4-6.
Ahmet G�ner, A Book on Medical Ethics in Medieval Islam: Al-Tashw�k Al-Tibb� (Encouraging Medicine) of Abu�l-Al� S�id B. Al-Hasan Al-Tab�b (1009-1087 A.C) EJAIB 16 (Jan. 2006), 6-9.
David Cummiskey, Confucian Ethics: Responsibilities, Rights, & Relationships EJAIB 16 (Jan. 2006), 9-21.
Eliane S. Azev�do, Jos� Tavares-Neto, Black identity and registries in Brazil: a question of rights and justice EJAIB 16 (Jan. 2006), 22-25.
Luzitano Brand�o Ferreira, Population genetics and the power of discrimination EJAIB 16 (Jan. 2006), 25-27.

Darryl Macer, Editorial: Bioethics across the Region EJAIB 16 (March 2006), 29.
Chamundeeswari Kuppuswamy, It is Time we addressed Intellectual Property Rights Issues in Genomics Research EJAIB 16 (March 2006), 30-33.
V. Balambal, Women�s Issues EJAIB 16 (March 2006), 33-39.
Emmanuel C. Gorospe, The Participation of Cognitively Impaired Elderly in Mental Health Research, EJAIB 16 (March 2006), 39-45.
Dena Hsin-Chen Hsin and Darryl Macer, Comparison of attitudes towards euthanasia among elderly people in New Zealand and Japan EJAIB 16 (March 2006), 45-52.
M. Cristina R. Pinto and Dina M. M. A. Silva Gomes, Considerations about Termination of Pregnancy in Portugal: Seven Answers to Seven Questions EJAIB 16 (March 2006), 52-5.
Gokce, A.N., Basagaoglu, I., �vey, D., From Human Rights to Patient Rights EJAIB 16 (March 2006), 55-9.

Darryl Macer, Editorial: Global dialogue EJAIB 16 (May 2006), 65.
Mohammad Ali Khalili, Mete Isikoglu, Mojdeh Ghasemi, Attitudes of Christians and Muslims to an Oocyte Donation Program in Iran EJAIB 16 (May 2006), 66-71.
Arthur Saniotis, Health, Illness and Medical Bioethics: An Islamic Perspective EJAIB 16 (May 2006), 71-6.
K. K. Verma and Rashmi Saxena, Need to Redefine Sociobiology EJAIB 16 (May 2006), 76-78.
Karori Mbugua, Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer: Some Ethical Considerations EJAIB 16 (May 2006), 78-85.
M�nica C. Serra, Bioethics and Dentistry: Teaching and Research in Brazilian Faculties of Dentistry EJAIB 16 (May 2006), 85-91.
Noritoshi Tanida, Masumi Ueda, Susumu Hoshino, Masaru Kawasaki, Yohei Fukumoto, Difference in ethical views among first-year to sixth-year students in a medical school EJAIB 16 (May 2006), 91-6.

Darryl Macer, Editorial: Rediscovering our roots EJAIB 16 (July 2006), 97.
Xiaomei Zhai, Informed Consent in Chinese Clinical Research: The Role of Family in Decision-Making EJAIB 16 (July 2006), 98-103.
Sarah E. Hilmer, Wrongful Life: A Recent Australian High Court Decision EJAIB 16 (July 2006), 103-5.
Minnie Sarah, A Christian Response to the Issue of �Designer Babies� EJAIB 16 (July 2006), 105-110.
Darryl Macer, Report of the UNESCO New Delhi Consultation Meeting on Codes of Ethics in Engineering and Sciences EJAIB 16 (July 2006), 110-5.
Darryl Macer, Report of the UNESCO Bangkok Consultation Meeting on Codes of Ethics in Engineering and Sciences EJAIB 16 (July 2006), 115-23.
D.S. Nesy, Report of the Seminar / Workshop on Bioethics (2 � 3, March 2006) Kerala, India EJAIB 16 (July 2006), 123-5.
Lukas Kaelin, Bioethics: A view on the contemporary discussion in Germany compared to Asia - EJAIB 16 (July 2006), 125-31.

Darryl Macer, Editorial: Environmental Ethics and Control, EJAIB 16 (Sept. 2006), 133.
Abhik Gupta, Altruism Beyond Con-specifics: The Role of Nature Religions, EJAIB 16 (Sept. 2006), 134-40.
Arieh Maoz, Tampering with Nature: An �Unended Quest�, EJAIB 16 (Sept. 2006), 140-4.
Arthur Saniotis and Amru Hydari Nazif, Agenda 21: Bioethics, Global Warming, and the Muslim World, EJAIB 16 (Sept. 2006), 144-8.
Arthur Saniotis, Towards an Embodiment of Environmental Bioethics, EJAIB 16 (Sept. 2006), 148-151.
Maitraye Basu, Are the Present Day �designer babies� a Threat to Humankind?�: Response to Minnie Sarah, EJAIB 16 (Sept. 2006), 151-2.
K. K. Verma, Science and Religion, EJAIB 16 (Sept. 2006), 152-4.
Archana Barua, Designing Humans, EJAIB 16 (Sept. 2006), 154-8.
Maria Cristina Rosamond Pinto, Medically Assisted Procreation: Legal Framework in Portugal, EJAIB 16 (Sept. 2006), 158-61.

Editorial: New website EJAIB 16 (Nov. 2006),
167 Song Sang-yong, ABA Presidential message, EJAIB 16 (Nov. 2006), 168.
Arthur Saniotis, Human Behaviourome as Cross Cultural Tool with Reference to Conflict Resolution, EJAIB 16 (Nov. 2006), 168-71.
Human death: paradoxes of mortal being (Fedor Serge Roganov, Dostoevsky and modern bioethical challenges), EJAIB 16 (Nov. 2006), 172-7.
Paolo Cattorini, Narrating Pain: The Role of Medical Humanities EJAIB 16 (Nov. 2006), 177-181.
K. K. Verma, Biotechnology and Soul, EJAIB 16 (Nov. 2006), 181-2.
Charlotte Kendra G. Castillo, Consequentialism and Climate Change Policy: An Exploratory Paper, EJAIB 16 (Nov. 2006), 182-92.
Bangkok Declaration on Ethics in Science and Technology - COMEST 4th session, EJAIB 16 (Nov. 2006), 192-3.
Dakar Declaration - COMEST 5th session, EJAIB 16 (Nov. 2006), 193-5.

Editorial: Towards ABC8 / BBRT2 , EJAIB 17 (Jan. 2007), 1.
Xinqing Zhang, Ethical reflection on the Creation of Human Genetic Database: Based on a National Survey on Chinese Genetic Scientists, EJAIB 17 (Jan. 2007), 1-5.
Karori Mbuegua, Stem Cell Research: Science, Ethics and the Popular Media, EJAIB 17 (Jan. 2007), 5-10.
Rashmi Saxena and K. K. Verma, Morality � Innate or Acquired?, EJAIB 17 (Jan. 2007), 11-14.
Luzitano Brand�o Ferreira, Misconceptions of evolutionary biology and its ethical implications, EJAIB 17 (Jan. 2007), 14-16.
Archana Barua and Akoijam Thoibisana, Exploitation in the Human Body- Trade� and Some Ethical Issues, EJAIB 17 (Jan. 2007), 16-22.
Francisco Iturra, Comments Cross Cultural Introduction to Bioethics, EJAIB 17 (Jan. 2007), 22-26.
Akoijam Thoibisana, An Essay on Philosophy and Medicine, EJAIB 17 (Jan. 2007), 26-30.

Darryl Macer, Editorial: The application of bioethics, EJAIB 17 (March 2007), 33.
Eliane S Azevedo, Interdisciplinary Bioethics on the Crossroad of Research Methods, EJAIB 17 (March 2007), 34-35.
Atsushi Asai and Sayaka Sakamoto, Self-Determination of Death in Japan: A Review and Discussion, EJAIB 17 (March 2007), 35-41.
Kenji Matsui and Reidar K. Lie, Privacy shakes Japan�s statistics on health and welfare, EJAIB 17 (March 2007), 41-49.
Masahiro Morioka, Commentary on Matsui and Lie�s Paper, EJAIB 17 (March 2007), 49.
Shelan Jane C. Teh, The Ethical Responsibility of Adopting the Precautionary Principle in the Guimaras Situation, EJAIB 17 (March 2007),50-54.
Wardatul Akmam and Md. Fakrul Islam, Factors Affecting Awareness regarding Arsenic Poisoning in Bangladesh, EJAIB 17 (March 2007), 54-62.

Jayapaul Azariah, Welcome to the Eighth Asian Bioethics Conference: All Nations � The Phantom Next Generation (ABA Presidential Address), EJAIB 17 (May 2007), 65-69.
Abstracts of presented papers at the Eighth Asian Bioethics Conference (ABC2007) concurrent with the Second UNESCO Bangkok Bioethics Roundtable (BBRT2), EJAIB 17 (May 2007), 65-94.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Bioethics Education and Discourse EJAIB 17 (July 2007), 97.
Daphne Viveka, Towards a philosophical framework for Bioethics Education in India - The role of religion and spirituality EJAIB 17 (July 2007), 98-104.
Peter Schroeder-Baeck, Principles for Public Health Ethics � A Transcultural Approach EJAIB 17 (July 2007), 104-9.
Gabriela Marodin, Diana Monti Atik, Danielle Beheregaray Schulz, and Jos� Roberto Goldim, Risk Information Assessment in Pharmacological Projects EJAIB 17 (July 2007), 109-12.
Suhita Chopra Chatterjee, Palliative Care in India: Ethical Issues Underlying Paradigmatic Shifts EJAIB 17 (July 2007), 112-5.
Gursatej Gandhi, A Sikh Perspective on Human Genetic Advances EJAIB 17 (July 2007), 115-20.
Christina Pinsdorf, Psychopharmacological Enhancement: Self-determination or self-manipulation? EJAIB 17 (July 2007), 120-5.
Ann Boyd, Respecting Vulnerable Persons EJAIB 17 (July 2007), 125-7.
EJAIB 17 (Sept 2007), 54-62.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Solidarity and responsibility EJAIB 17 (Sept 2007), 129.
HUGO Statement on Pharmacogenomics (PGx): Solidarity, Equity and Governance EJAIB 17 (Sept 2007), 130-1.
Ganesh Athappan, Physician Pharmaceutical Industry Interaction: An Indian Outlook EJAIB 17 (Sept 2007), 131-3.
K. K. Verma and Rashmi Saxena, What happened to Neanderthals? EJAIB 17 (Sept 2007), 133-5.
Arthur Saniotis, Bioethics and Climate Change: Systems Theory and Future Health Challenges EJAIB 17 (Sept 2007), 135-8.
Ann Boyd and Denise Hise, Life Beyond the Genetic Blueprint EJAIB 17 (Sept 2007), 138-42.
Lawrence W. Watthey and Ann Boyd, Genetic Testing and Moral Freedom EJAIB 17 (Sept 2007), 142-4.
Ann Boyd, HIV/AIDS Exposes Gender Injustice EJAIB 17 (Sept 2007), 144-9.
Silvie Poeth, Corporate social responsibility, human rights and pharmaceutical companies EJAIB 17 (Sept 2007), 149-55.
=Asian Bioethics Association (ABA) Chinese member list EJAIB 17 (Sept 2007), 156-9.
Wardatul Akmam, Sk. Muaj Hurayra Marshad & Md. Fakrul Islam, Arsenic Contamination in Ground Water in Bangladesh: Nature of Awareness in an Arsenic-prone Area EJAIB 17 (Nov 2007), 162-7.
Konstantin S. Khroutski, BioCosmological Approach in World Bioethics EJAIB 17 (Nov 2007), 167-71.
K. K. Verma and Rashmi Saxena, Bioethics Education: A response to Viveka EJAIB 17 (Nov 2007), 171-2.
N. Yasemin Oguz, M. Volkan Kavas and Murat Aksu, Teaching Thanatology: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study EJAIB 17 (Nov 2007), 172-7.
Jos� Roberto Goldim, Joaquim Clotet and Jorge Pinto Ribeiro, Adequacy of informed consent in research carried out in Brazil EJAIB 17 (Nov 2007), 177-81.
Liza Ireni-Saban, Embracing personal and community empowerment: genetic information policy making in Israel EJAIB 17 (Nov 2007), 181-4.
K. K. Verma and Rashmi Saxena, Neanderthal Range Extended EJAIB 17 (Nov 2007), 184-5.
Siriyupa Roongrerngsuke and Sarote Phornprapha, Perceptions of Issues in Biotechnology Management in Thailand EJAIB 17 (Nov 2007), 185-90.
Invitation to Join Working Groups on Ethics of Energy Technologies in Asia and the Pacific EJAIB 17 (Nov 2007), 190
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Ethics of Energy EJAIB 18 (Jan 2008), 1.
Darryl Macer and Anna Engwerda-Smith, Report of the UNESCO launch conference for the project Ethics of Energy Technologies in Asia and the Pacific EJAIB 18 (Jan 2008), 2-15.
2 Arthur Saniotis, Evolutionary Thinking, Global Warming, and Environmental Ethics EJAIB 18 (Jan 2008), 15-7.
Brewster Kneen, The Tyranny of Rights version 3.9.07 EJAIB 18 (Jan 2008), 17-23.
Bing Tang, Quality Analysis on Ethical Issues of Fetal Tissue Transplant And Embryonic Stem Cells Research: Arguments and A Proposed Model In Bioethical Decision-Making Process EJAIB 18 (Jan 2008), 23-30.
UNESCO International Bioethics Journal Club EJAIB 18 (Jan 2008), 30-1.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Our world views, EJAIB 18 (March 2008), 33.
Sachi Chiba, Koichiro Itai, Yachiyo Tsuchiya, Motoki Onishi, Shinji Kosugi, and Atsushi Asai, Attitudes of Japanese bioethical educators towards life-sustaining treatment in the Wendland case. A descriptive study, EJAIB 18 (March 2008), 34-40.
Leslie Garvey and Ann Boyd, Global Health Concerns and Public Health for the Common Good, EJAIB 18 (March 2008), 40-45.
Mansooreh Saniei and Raymond de Vries, Monotheistic Religions' Perspectives on Embryonic Stem Cell Research, EJAIB 18 (March 2008), 45-51.
Arthur Saniotis, A Reconnaissance of the Cosmos: A Critical Response to Konstantin S. Khroutski�s BioCosmology � Science of the Universal Future, EJAIB 18 (March 2008), 51-56.
Maria Cristina Rosamond Pinto, Considerations about Medical Ethics, Education, Medical Portuguese Code of Ethics and AIDS, EJAIB 18 (March 2008), 56-58.
Amy Patel and Vijay Rajput, Prenatal and preimplantation genetic screening: emerging ethical and cultural dilemmas in South Asia, EJAIB 18 (March 2008), 58-61.
Stefano Fait, The Irrelevance of Libertarian Bioethics, EJAIB 18 (March 2008), 61-64
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Philosophical Dialogues, EJAIB 18 (May 2008), 65.
End of life self-determination: Attitudes of patients with ALS in a prefecture of Japan, Yugo Narita, Michiko Nakai and Shigeki Kuzuhara EJAIB 18 (May 2008), 66-70.
K. K. Verma, Violence and War, EJAIB 18 (May 2008), 70-71.
Michael Barr, Beyond Biosafety: Biosecurity and the dual-use dilemma as ethical concerns, EJAIB 18 (May 2008), 71-74.
Hans-Martin Sass, Animals in Research: 7-R Principles and Corporate Responsibility, EJAIB 18 (May 2008), 74-85.
Bolatito A. Lanre-Abass, Assisted Reproductive Technology in Cultural Contexts, EJAIB 18 (May 2008), 86-93.
Muhammad Ilyas, Mukhtar Alam and Habib Ahmad, Bioethical Dilemmas in a Pakistani Context, EJAIB 18 (May 2008), 93-95.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Culture and Bioethics, EJAIB 18 (July 2008), 97.
Konstantin S. Khroutski, Biocosmology � Rehabilitating Aristotle�s Realistic Organicism and Recommencing Russian Universal Cosmism: Response To Arthur Saniotis, EJAIB 18 (July 2008), 98-105.
K. K. Verma, Darwin � Wallace Saga: Ethics in Research, EJAIB 18 (July 2008), 105-106.
Subrata Chattopadhyay and Raymond De Vries, Bioethical concerns are global, bioethics is Western, EJAIB 18 (July 2008), 106-110.
Miki Fukuyama and Atsushi Asai, How can we make the best use of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights? EJAIB 18 (July 2008), 110-112.
Paolo Becchi, The Roman Catholic Church on organ transplantation, EJAIB 18 (July 2008), 112-118.
Frida Simonstein, On Cultural Narratives, Fertility Medicine and Women�s Agency, EJAIB 18 (July 2008), 118-124.
Ninth Asian Bioethics Conference Draft Program EJAIB 18 (July 2008), 124-130.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Harmony and Ethics, EJAIB 18 (Sept. 2008), 129.
Kayo Uejima, The creation of a harmonized society by the holistic approach: Lab Link suggests free think tank for the integration of all science and thought as challenges of modern philosophy, EJAIB 18 (Sept. 2008), 130-137.
Glen Kurokawa and Darryl Macer, Report of the UNESCO Conference on Ethical Worldviews of Nature (Ethics of Energy Technologies in Asia and the Pacific (EETAP Working Group 2), EJAIB 18 (Sept. 2008), 138-143.
Robert Kanaly and Darryl Macer, Report of the UNESCO Conference on Ethics of Energy Technologies: Energy Flow, Environment and Ethical Implications for Meat Production (EETAP WG13), EJAIB 18 (Sept. 2008), 143-149.
K. K. Verma, Global warming: not a myth, EJAIB 18 (Sept. 2008), 149-150.
Arthur Saniotis, Medical Bioethics and Medical Tourism in Thailand, EJAIB 18 (Sept. 2008), 150-152.
Bolatito Lanre-Abass, Recommending Euthanasia for a Developing Country, EJAIB 18 (Sept. 2008), 152-6.
Arthur Saniotis, The Human Idea Map: Can the Mind Really be Mapped?, EJAIB 18 (Sept. 2008), 157-158.
159 UNESCO International Bioethics Journal Club , 159.
Editorial: Public engagement EJAIB 18 (Nov. 2008), 161.
Eiko Suda, Causes of Communication Gaps between Science and Society: Discussion Based on Community Engagement in the Haplotype Mapping Project in Japan, EJAIB 18 (Nov. 2008), 162-4.
Oana Iftime and Alexandru Iftime, In search of Chinggis Khan's genes: A strange case of science-based irreverence in the age of political correctness, EJAIB 18 (Nov. 2008), 164-8.
Georges Chapouthier, The Biocosmology of Konstantin S. Khroutski: A Philosopher�s Reflections on Biology, EJAIB 18 (Nov. 2008), 168-70.
Emily Price, Stephanie Russo, Kamani Thanakrishnan, Stakeholders in the Energy Debate � Identities, Responsibilities and the Future, EJAIB 18 (Nov. 2008), 170-4.
Nikhil C. Farias, Global Warming, Ozone Depletion and Water Politics: Political Realist and Liberal Institutionalist perspectives at the state level, EJAIB 18 (Nov. 2008), 174-178.
Matt Saunders, The Ecological Costs of Hydroelectricity , EJAIB 18 (Nov. 2008), 178.
Tamarind Reynolds, Energy Equity and Human Security: Where Does the Solution Lie? EJAIB 18 (Nov. 2008), 178-9.
Bing H. Tang, The space has been ill � the humans' fault, EJAIB 18 (Nov. 2008), 179.
Shamima Parvin Lasker Arif Hossain, Teaching of bioethics in medical schools in Bangladesh, EJAIB 18 (Nov. 2008), 180-1.
P. Thirumalaikolundusubramani and A. Uma, To Err is Human: The Need for Patient Safety, EJAIB 18 (Nov. 2008), 181-2.
Hanzade Dogan, Stigmatization of the Mentally Ill and an Ethical Framework of Cultural Contexts, Psychosocial Development, and Moral Development , EJAIB 18 (Nov. 2008), 182-8.
Report of the Asian Bioethics Association (ABA) General Meeting (2008) EJAIB 18 (Nov. 2008), 188-9.
Editorial: Nature of Bioethics, EJAIB 19 (Jan. 2009), 1.
Karori Mb?gua, Is there an African Bioethics? EJAIB 19 (Jan. 2009), 2-5.
Kayo Uejima, Social Construction of Value and the need for evolution to universal policy of harmonized social system, EJAIB 19 (Jan. 2009), 5-20.
Jon Vegar Hugaas , The Relation between Normative and Descriptive Ethics � A Consideration of Empirical Bioethics, EJAIB 19 (Jan. 2009), 21-27.
Neil Pembroke, Life-Threatening Illness, Hope, and Spiritual Meaning-Making: Buddhist and Christian Perspectives , EJAIB 19 (Jan. 2009), 27-31.

Editorial: Universality of Bioethics EJAIB 19 (March 2009), 33.
Jayapaul Azariah, Institutional Review Boards, Worldwide (IRBs) EJAIB 19 (March 2009), 35-41.
Lukas Kaelin, Contextualizing Bioethics: The UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights and observations about Filipino Bioethics EJAIB 19 (March 2009), 42-47.
Paolo Marino Cattorini, Aesthetics in Ethics: Narrative and Theoretical Dimensions of Moral Evaluation EJAIB 19 (March 2009), 47-53.
Bushra Khizar and Mobeen Iqbal, Perception of Physicians and Medical Students on common Ethical Dilemmas in a Pakistani Medical Institute EJAIB 19 (March 2009), 53-55.
Helen Kunbi Labeodan, Altruism: An Ethical Resource for Dealing with HIV & AIDS EJAIB 19 (March 2009), 55-58.
K. K. Verma and Suresh C. Sharma, Evolution of altruism EJAIB 19 (March 2009), 58-59.
Bing H. Tang, The rare plants' lamentation EJAIB 19 (March 2009), 59-60.
Chamu Kuppuswamy and Paul Ulhas Macneill, Arts Bioethics Network (ABN) EJAIB 19 (March 2009), 60-61.
Shamima Parvin Lasker, Human Cloning: Prospects and Challenges in the Asia- Pacific Region EJAIB 19 (March 2009), 61-63.
Darryl Macer, Editorial EJAIB 19 (May 2009), 65.
Nedy Maria Branco Cerqueira Neves, Reflections about Bioethics and Citizenship Revealed from the Historic Evolution of Accusations against Doctors on a Brazilian Council of Medicine EJAIB 19 (May 2009), 66-71.
Masayuki Yoshida, Corpses and Philosophy EJAIB 19 (May 2009), 71-73.
Chandralekha Duttagupta and Subhajyoti De, Ethical Perspectives: An Integral Part of Biotechnology Teaching in the Developing Nations EJAIB 19 (May 2009), 73-77.
Md. Mahfuzar Rahman, et al., Rural-Urban Differentials of Contraceptives Use in Bangladesh EJAIB 19 (May 2009), 77-81.
David O. Irabor, The difficult surgical patient� in a developing world context. How cultural beliefs, local customs and superstition affect surgical treatment EJAIB 19 (May 2009), 81-83.
Vijay Rajput, Ethical and Legal issues in Pain management and End of Life Care in USA EJAIB 19 (May 2009), 83-86.
P.O. Olawuni, A Review of Environmental and Health Effects of Nichemtex Textile Industry on Residents: An Evaluative Study EJAIB 19 (May 2009), 86-90.
Universalism and Ethical Values for the Environment EJAIB 19 (May 2009), 90.
Energy Flow, Environment and Ethical Implications for Meat Production EJAIB 19 (May 2009), 91-2.
Water Ethics and Water Resource Management EJAIB 19 (May 2009), 92-93.
Call for Contributions on Outline of EETAP reports
WG2: Ethical worldviews of nature EJAIB 19 (May 2009), 93.
WG10 Ethical frameworks for research agendas and policy EJAIB 19 (May 2009), 93-94.
Darryl Macer, Editorial EJAIB 19 (July 2009), 97.
Ann Boyd and Mariam Nejati, Health Care in a Democracy EJAIB 19 (July 2009), 98-103.
Michio Miyasaka, Punishing Paternalism: An Ethical Analysis of Japan's Leprosy Control Policy EJAIB 19 (July 2009), 103-107.
Arthur Saniotis, Caesarian Sections in Australia: Medical and Ethical Issues EJAIB 19 (July 2009), 107-110.
Siti Nurani Mohd Nor, The Setting up of a National Bioethics Committee � Social and Cultural Considerations EJAIB 19 (July 2009), 1.
110 - M. Selvanayagam and Francis P Xavier, Are Human Rights and Health Care Universal?: Reflections on Health Care in India? EJAIB 19 (July 2009), 113-121.
Chhanda Chakraborti and Rhyddhi Chakraborty, Do the Developing Countries with High Disease Burdens Need to Take a More Active Role in Defining Health and Disease? EJAIB 19 (July 2009), 121-4.
K. K. Verma, Darwinism and Humans EJAIB 19 (July 2009), 124-6.
Request for specific feedback on the Ethics of Energy Technologies in Asia and the Pacific Project (EETAP) EJAIB 19 (September 2009), 129-158.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Ethical decision making EJAIB 19 (November 2009), 161.
Atsushi Asai, Yasuhiro Kadooka Kuniko Aizawa, The role of religious and non-religious beliefs in medical decisions EJAIB 19 (November 2009), 162-166.
Arthur Saniotis, Akhashic Field as a Source of Human Bioethical Behaviour EJAIB 19 (November 2009), 166-169.
Cheluchi Onyemelukwe, Research Involving Humans in Developing Countries: Expanding the Focus from Ethics to Governance EJAIB 19 (November 2009), 169-184.
Ann Boyd and Nate Reed, Ethical Norms and Regulations for Research with Human Subjects EJAIB 19 (November 2009), 184-187.
Yanguang Wang and Huizhen Chen, The Status and Ethical Review of Donor and Organ Transplantation Practices in China EJAIB 19 (November 2009), 187-90.
Editorial: Twenty years EJAIB 19 (January 2010), 1.
Hans-Martin Sass, Genetic Knowledge is a Civil Right. Towards a New Model of Health Contract as Social Contract EJAIB 19 (January 2010), 2-10.
Masayuki Yoshida, Rights to Dispose of a Corpse: The Japanese Viewpoint EJAIB 19 (January 2010), 10-13.
Delphin Prema Dhanaseeli and P.Vanitha, Status of Women in India � A Historical Prospective EJAIB 19 (January 2010), 13-18.
Sharmistha Roy, Peoples' Attitudes towards Elderly in Bangladesh EJAIB 19 (January 2010), 18-21.
A. Joseph Thatheyus*= and Delphin Prema Dhanaseeli, Depletion of Fresh Water Resources EJAIB 19 (January 2010), 21-24.
Maria Cristina Pinto, The Vital Testament EJAIB 19 (January 2010), 24-28.
Bing H. Tang, Respecting Life and the principles of Bioethics: from a mysterious birth to a carrier EJAIB 19 (January 2010), 28-29.
Bandung Declaration EJAIB 19 (January 2010), 30-31.
Editorial Note: What is medical? Kumamoto Bioethics Roundtable (1/2)
Rainier A. Ibana, Being Medical: Between the Frontiers of the Natural and the Artificial EJAIB 19 (March 2010), 33-36.
Shigeo Nagaoka, Medical Uncertainties and Patients� Decision Making EJAIB 19 (March 2010), 36-43.
In-Suk Cha, The Patient as Subjectivity: Toward a Medical Hermeneutics EJAIB 19 (March 2010), 43-46.
Sabah Salimi and Takahashi Takao, History of ancient medicine in Iran A HREF="EJAIB32010.pdf"> EJAIB 19 (March 2010), 46-49.
Eiko Suda, What is medical for 'resourceful patients' and doctors in the 21st century? EJAIB 19 (March 2010), 49-52.
Konstantin Khroutski, Biomedicine as the all-embracing science: Biocosmological perspective EJAIB 19 (March 2010), 52-58.
Tobias Bauer, Medical treatment and Buddhism � Reflections from the discussion on brain death and organ transplantation in Japanese Buddhism EJAIB 19 (March 2010), 58-64.
What is Medical? Papers from Kumamoto Bioethics Roundtable (Part 2/2)
Taka Fujii, Comparisons between Veterinary and Human Medicine EJAIB 19 (May 2010), 65-69.
Katsuaki Yamano, Informed consent in the Practice of Occupational Therapy EJAIB 19 (May 2010), 69-71.
Koichi Nishida, What is medical according to Japanese tradition EJAIB 19 (May 2010), 71-2.
Toshinori Kitamura, Do Mental Disorders Really Exist? EJAIB 19 (May 2010), 72-74.
Shuhei Taguchi, Medicine and happiness EJAIB 19 (May 2010), 74-76.
Kazuto Inaba, The concept of medicine: Reflections from the transition of Japanese laws concerning medicine EJAIB 19 (May 2010), 76-77.
M.A. Jothi Rajan, Arockiam Thaddeus and S. Vincent, Medical is medical if and only if it is practiced on Axioms of Bioethics EJAIB 19 (May 2010), 77-79.
Shinryo Shinagawa, What is Medical? Reflections from clinical viewpoint and experience EJAIB 19 (May 2010), 79-82.
Kayo Uejima, Proposal of the Nous Self Concept as a worldview for the symbiotic integration of modern science EJAIB 19 (May 2010), 82-96.
Victor Chukwudi Osamor, Pathogenicity, Perceptions, Misconceptions and Practices of Control in a Developing Nation EJAIB 19 (May 2010), 96-102.
Abstract Book for the The Eleventh Asian Bioethics Conference (ABC11) / Fifth UNESCO Asia-Pacific School of Ethics Roundtable Mundialization, Bioethics and Policy, 1-2 August 2010 EJAIB 19 (July 2010), 97-136.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Reflections on dignity and bioethics EJAIB 19 (September 2010), 137.
Noritoshi Tanida, Medicalization; for a sense of peace or for a sake of profit with special reference to feeding through percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy EJAIB 19 (September 2010), 138-140.
Lalit K Radha Krishna, Global Ethics - A Malaysian- Singaporean Perspective EJAIB 19 (September 2010), 140-6.
Alastair Gunn, Genetic Engineering and Buddhism EJAIB 19 (September 2010), 146-8.
Stephen J Humphreys, Book Review: Human Dignity and Bioethics EJAIB 19 (September 2010), 148-9.
K. K. Verma, Darwinism and Cooperation EJAIB 19 (September 2010), 149-50.
Lukas Kaelin, Organ Donation as a Question of Justice: The UN/EU Report on Organ Trafficking in the Context of the Philippines EJAIB 19 (September 2010), 150-155.
Masayuki Yoshida, Corpses as a Part of Society: A Sociological and Anthropological Perspective EJAIB 19 (September 2010), 155-157.
Md. Munir Hossain Talukder, The concept of �person� and its implication in bioethics EJAIB 19 (September 2010), 157-160.
Monica da Costa Serra, Health Professionals Ethical and Legal Liability on Patient�s Inadequate Clarification in Order to Obtain Free and Informed Consent EJAIB 19 (September 2010), 160-3.
Shajia Sarfraz Haroon, Does the responsibility of helping the global poor lie with nation states or individual persons? EJAIB 19 (September 2010), 163-6.
Editorial: New ABA Board EJAIB 19 (November 2010), 169.
Tiffany Delport and Irina Pollard, Changing Perspective on Obesity: Genetic and Environmental Health Consequences in the Offspring EJAIB 19 (November 2010), 170-173.
Michael C. Brannigan, Presence in Suffering: Lessons from the Buddhist Four Noble Truths EJAIB 19 (November 2010), 173-180.
Ravichandran Moorthy and Sivapalan Selvadurai, Some Ethical Thoughts from the Indian Tradition EJAIB 19 (November 2010), 180-183.
Paolo Cattorini, The Winter of Clinic? Advanced Ethical Dilemmas for an Advanced Medicine EJAIB 19 (November 2010), 183-190.
Napat Chaipraditkul, Sex Selection in Asia, with a focus on Thailand EJAIB 19 (November 2010), 190-198.
Anniken Celina Grinvoll, Thai perspectives on abortion EJAIB 19 (November 2010), 198-200.
Asian Bioethics Association Election Results EJAIB 19 (November 2010), 200.
Abstract Book for the UKM-UNESCO Asia Pacific Conference on History, Politics, Strategic Studies and Climate Change. Conference theme: The Asia Pacific Century: Challenges to Human Dignity, 29-30 November 2010, University Kebangsaan Malaysia EJAIB 19 (November 2010 Supplement B), 226-263.
Editorial: Special Thematic Issue on Japanese Bioethics and its Structure
Takao Takahashi, Three Levels Structure Analysis and its Significance EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 1-5.
Koichiro Itai, Theoretical debates on methodologies in clinical ethics: Top- down, bottom-up, and clinical pragmatism as a third model EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 5-8.
Ichiro Matsuda, Bioethical Concerns of Medical Genetics: Global Standards and Japanese Consideration of Culture and Value EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 8-18.
Aizawa Kuniko, Three levels of discourse on human reproductive cloning in Japan EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 18-24.
Masayuki Kodama, Analysis of Legal and Ethical Problems Related to Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis in Japan and Policy for Clinical Settings EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 24-30.
Masayuki Kodama, Analysis of Issues Related to in Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer Using Egg Cells from Voluntary Donors in Japan and a Proposal to the Diet EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 30-34.
Masayuki Kodama, Analysis of Bioethical Problems Regarding Surrogate Conception in Japan EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 34-37.
Atsushi Asai, A Question in End-of-life Medicine in Japan: Three Levels Structure Analysis of the Ethics of Provision of Permanent and Active Artificial Nutrition and Hydration for Elderly who Cannot Eat EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 37-41.
Taka Fujii, Organ Transplantation and Brain Death EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 41-4.
Kazuto Inaba, Analyzing the Trilaminar Structure of Judicial Precedent EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 44-7.
Fusako Kitamura and Toshinori Kitamura, Bioethics and the Law on Informed Consent: Three-level Structure Analysis of Jurisprudence Research Papers, Guidelines and Declarations, and Culture EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 47-50.
Tomohiro Tanaka, Issues regarding Doctors� Professionalism in Japan EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 52-55.
Toshiko Morita and Hitomi Maeda,Hirotaka Takushima, Bioethics in Nursing � Specialty in Nursing EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 55-60.
Tobias Bauer, Patterns of reasoning in religious positions on organ donation in Japan and Germany EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 60-8.
Tetsu Isobe, Bioethics in France � Comparison with the Current Policy for Bioethical Issues in Japan EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 68-71.
Koichi Nishida, Three Levels Structure Analysis of the Oregon Death with Dignity Act EJAIB 19 (January/March 2011), 71-72.
Hans-Martin Sass, The Earth is a Living Being: We have to treat her as such! EJAIB 19 (May 2011), 73-77.
Sibtain Panjwani and Imranali Panjwani, The need to develop a Qur�anic ethical framework for bioethics: An introductory paper EJAIB 19 (May 2011), 77-88.
Frida Simonstein, Hospital Ethics Commitees (HECs): Patient�s Rights Ethics Committees (PRECs) in Israel and Organisational Ethics EJAIB 19 (May 2011), 88-91.
Michio Miyasaka, Sayuri Sakai, Haruo Yamanouchi, How Should Ethics be Taught to Medical, Nursing and Other Healthcare Students? EJAIB 19 (May 2011), 91-95.
Atsushi Asai and Sakiko Maki, An ethical and social examination of the death penalty as depicted in two current films made in a �pro-death penalty society� EJAIB 19 (May 2011), 95-99.
Masayuki Yoshida, Directed Organ Donation: Can Japan maintain fairness? EJAIB 19 (May 2011), 99-104.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Revisiting Nuclear Ethics EJAIB 19 (July 2011), 105-106.
Hiroko Obata, The current impact of radioactive leakages on Japanese food EJAIB 19 (July 2011), 106-115.
Kayo Uejima, First Reflections on the Nuclear Environmental Problem in Japan EJAIB 19 (July 2011), 115-118.
Chhanda Chakraborti and Rhyddhi Chakraborty, Ethical Language Usage in Pandemic Plans: A Study of Pandemic Plans of Some South Asian Countries EJAIB 19 (July 2011), 119-129.
Atif Mahmood and Salina Mukhtiar, Unethical Practices of Medical Practitioners: Role of Pharmaceutical Industry EJAIB 19 (July 2011), 129-131.
Yasuhiro Kadooka, A. Asai, K. Aizawa, S. Bito, Japanese healthcare workers� attitudes towards administering futile treatments: A preliminary interview-based study EJAIB 19 (July 2011), 131-136.
Gracilene Ferreira dos Santos, Maria das Gra�as Cunha, Carlos Augusto Almeida Correa, Luzitano Brand�o Ferreira, End-of-Life Ethical Dilemmas and Intensive Care Unit Professionals EJAIB 19 (July 2011), 136-139.
Suhita Chopra Chatterjee, Framing Post- Diagnostic Abortion in Medico Legal Language: Alternative visions in Dialogue EJAIB 19 (July 2011), 139-144.
Rashmi Saxena and K. K. Verma, Human Evolution � New Finds and New Problems EJAIB 19 (July 2011), 144-146.
Arthur Saniotis, The Important Role of Evolutionary Medicine in Asian Bioethics EJAIB 19 (July 2011), 146-148.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Genetics and Ethics in Asia and Latin America, EJAIB 22 (September 2011), 149.
Sawa Kato, Utilitarianism and the replaceability between potential persons EJAIB 22 (September 2011), 150-153.
Konstantin S. Khroutski, Happiness and the Individual�s Health: From the Biocosmological Triune Standpoint EJAIB 22 (September 2011), 153-157.
Saima Iqbal, On being Acne Vulgaris and Marfan�s Syndrome: Use of Patients for Medical Teaching within the Pakistani context EJAIB 22 (September 2011), 157-159.
Ichiro Matsuda, Satoshi Hasegawa, Desheng Liang, and David Ellis Harvey Attitudes of Genetic Decision Making in Culturally, Diverse Populations EJAIB 22 (September 2011), 159-164.
M�nica da Costa Serra, Tatiane Arruda Tardivo, and Clemente Maia S. Fernandes, Violence against children and adolescents: awareness and attitudes of Brazilian dentists EJAIB 22 (September 2011), 164-172.
Rajni Khanna and Gursatej Gandhi, Knowledge and Perceptions of New Genetic and Assisted Reproductive Technologies: A Preliminary Report EJAIB 22 (September 2011), 172-180.
Jos� Humberto Belmino Chaves, Leo Pessini, Ant�nio Fernando de Sousa Bezerra, Vera L�cia, Gama de Mendon�a, Guilhermina Rego, Rui Nunes, Bioethical principles and vulnerability regarding induced abortion in adolescence ABA News and membership EJAIB 22 (September 2011), 180-181.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Ethics and Climate Change Project - EJAIB 22 (November 2011), 189-191.
Napat Chaipraditkul, Ethical Views of Nature: Illustration of Thailand EJAIB 22 (November 2011), 191-196.
New Book Review of Richard Evanoff, Bioregionalism and Global Ethics EJAIB 22 (November 2011), 196-197.
An Overview of Empirical Ethics Research in Turkish Funda G�lay Kadıoğlu and Selim Kadıoğlu, Medical Ethics Literature EJAIB 22 (November 2011), 197-200.
Joseph A. Thatheyus, Delphin Prema Dhanaseeli, Fight for Water, Water discourse, Ableism and disabled people: EJAIB 22 (November 2011), 200-203.
Gregor Wolbring, What makes one part of a discourse? EJAIB 22 (November 2011), 203-208.
Chandralekha Duttagupta, Ethical Perspectives of Scientific Persuasions: A Comparison between Science Academy meeting on Bt Brinjal of 2010 and the Asilomar (recombinant DNA) Conference of 1975 - EJAIB 22 (November 2011), 208-212.
Hanzade Dogan, Mis-Un-True Informed Consent: A Brief Report from Turkey and a comparative study about �Ethics in Clinical Trials of EEG� in Psychiatry - EJAIB 22 (November 2011), 212-217.
R Shantha Mary Joshitta, J. Maria Rayammal, R. Princitta, M. Jesu Prakash Tamil Web Blogs: A Boon for the Freedom of Expression EJAIB 22 (November 2011), 217-219.
Darryl Macer, Editorial Note EJAIB 22 (January 2012), 1.
Takao Takahashi, Bioethics and Environmental Ethics in the Age of Co-Disaster EJAIB 22 (January 2012), 1-3.
Jayapaul Azariah, Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) that affect peace in Contemporary India EJAIB 22 (January 2012), 3-7.
Sawa Kato, Ethical Issues of Surrogacy and Tourism for Surrogacy EJAIB 22 (January 2012), 7-11.
Masayuki Kodama, Ethical Research concerning Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis by means of Embryo Biopsy and Polar Body Analysis in the Fight against Miscarriage―Is PGD the Selection of Life? EJAIB 22 (January 2012), 11-17.
Shinryo Shinagawa, Peace Through Bioethics: A Physician�s viewpoint who experienced WWII EJAIB 22 (January 2012), 15-17.
Nader Ghotbi, Philosophical Challenges to Peaceful Government in Shi�a Iran EJAIB 22 (January 2012), 17-21.
Akira Hokamura, �Transformative Dialogue� for the Concerning Parties in the Pursuit of Conflict Resolution in Bioethical Field EJAIB 22 (January 2012), 21-23.
Chutatip Umavijani, Peace of Mind for Peace of All EJAIB 22 (January 2012), 23-26.
Kouy BunRong, A Journey towards Peace: An Example of Cambodia Youth Peace Ambassador Club EJAIB 22 (January 2012), 26-27.
Sakiko Maki and Atsushi Asai, Should Japan abolish the death penalty? No definite answer exists yet EJAIB 22 (January 2012), 27-33.
Salahuddin Khan, Akef Obeidat, Khalid-Al- Qumaizi, Research Ethics and Asian Culture: A Western Individual Autonomy or an Asian Shared Decision Making? EJAIB 22 (January 2012), 33-39.
Joerald M. Gadia,The Influence of Tradition and Historicity in Husserl�s Intersubjective Act of Constituting Meaning and its Effect in Making Ethical Decisions regarding the Beginning of Human Life EJAIB 22 (January 2012), 39-43.
Kiran Ejaz, M. Shahid Shamim, Zainab Akber, Nida Waki, Hina Faruqui, Patient�s Rights and Duties: Survey from Karachi EJAIB 22 (January 2012), 43-47.
Darryl Macer, Editorial Note: End of Life Care EJAIB 22 (March 2012), 49.
A. Asai, K. Aizawa, Y. Kadooka, and N. Tanida, Death with dignity is impossible in contemporary Japan: Considering patient peace of mind in end-of-life care EJAIB 22 (March 2012), 49-53.
Sawa Kato, Three Level Structure Analysis of End of Life Care in Japan EJAIB 22 (March 2012),53-58.
Wai Yan Law, Advance Directives in Hong Kong: ethical perspective EJAIB 22 (March 2012), 58-65.
S. Kadioğlu, O. �genler, F. Kadioğlu, Mehmet Ali Sungur, Death Anxiety in University Students EJAIB 22 (March 2012), 65-69.
Nader Ghotbi, Bioethics in the Islamic Republic of Iran EJAIB 22 (March 2012), 69-75.
Shinya Ueno, Policy Analysis of Measures Taken Against the H1N1 Influenza Virus of 2009 EJAIB 22 (March 2012), 75-81.
S. Nithianandam, Bioethical issues and HIV stigma EJAIB 22 (March 2012), 81-82.
Katsuaki Yamano, Consideration of issues concerning �Physician�s Prescriptions� in the Practice of Occupational Therapy in Japan EJAIB 22 (March 2012), 82-85.
Masayuki Kodama, The Present State of Commercial Surrogacy in India and the Ethical Assessment of Physician in Charge Dr. Nayna Patel―Ethical Research concerning Indian Reproductive Medicine, Especially Commercial Surrogacy EJAIB 22 (March 2012), 85-91.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Bioethics and Environmental Responsibility EJAIB 22 (May 2012), 93.
Morgan Pollard, Collective Survival and Wellbeing EJAIB 22 (May 2012), 93-99.
Lukas Kaelin, Global Bioethics Quo Vadis? Escaping the Alternatives between Moral Imperialism and Moral Relativism EJAIB 22 (May 2012), 99-102.
On-Kwok Lai, Choreographing Biodiversity with Peace in Environmental Governance Regime? Making Sense of Bioethics from the Convention on Biological Diversity [CBD] (COP10, 2010 EJAIB 22 (May 2012), 102-109.
Kwon Jong Yoo, Ecologism and Confucian Pro-life-ism EJAIB 22 (May 2012), 109-111.
Peace building through Restorative Dialogue and Consensus Building after the TEPCO Fukushima 1st Nuclear Reactor Disaster EJAIB 22 (May 2012), 111-117.
A. Ishihara, A. Keosavang, E. Malibiran, C. Stauffer, H. Zehr The sentiment of waste and the measure of footprints evaluated through an ableism lens EJAIB 22 (May 2012), 117-123.
Erick R. Valdes, Gregor Wolbring, Verlyn Leopatra and Jacqueline Noga Fritz Jahr and his Bio-Ethical Imperative EJAIB 22 (May 2012), 123-128.
Oana Iftime, Will humans never be cloned because of God, biology or language? EJAIB 22 (May 2012), 128-132.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: In memory of Sahin Aksoy and Asian Bioethics EJAIB 22 (July 2012), 133-134.
Frank J. Leavitt (Yeruham), Sahin Aksoy R.I.P. EJAIB 22 (July 2012), 134-135.
Kouy BunRong, Views on Abortion and Sex Selection in Phnom Penh, Cambodia EJAIB 22 (July 2012), 135-150.
Dr Lalit K Radha Krishna, Prognostication EJAIB 22 (July 2012), 150-155.
J. Thresa Jeniffer, Cloud Computing and its ethical issues EJAIB 22 (July 2012), 155-158.
A.J. Thatheyus Bio-Ethics and Sustainable, Indian Marine Turtles in Soup EJAIB 22 (July 2012), 158-160.
S. Panneerselvam, Development: The Need for Proper Policy Making EJAIB 22 (July 2012), 160-163.
K. K. Verma, Human cloning: Comments on Iftime (2012) EJAIB 22 (July 2012), 163-164.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Animals, Energy and Bioethics EJAIB 22 (November 2012), 205.
Taka Fujii, Considerations about Livestock Euthanasia around the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant EJAIB 22 (November 2012), 205-207.
A S M Anwarullah Bhuiyan, An Ethical Appraisal of Animal Biotechnology EJAIB 22 (November 2012), 207-210.
K. K. Verma, Climate Change and Its Impact on Animals and Humans EJAIB 22 (November 2012), 210-212.
Abhik Gupta, Biodiesel Production from Jatropha curcas in Asia-Pacific: The Gap between Hype and Reality EJAIB 22 (November 2012), 212-217.
A.J. Thatheyus, Delphin Prema Dhanaseeli and P. Vanitha, Dams and their ecological effects EJAIB 22 (November 2012), 217-220.
Yanguang Wang,The Ethical Issues of Biobanks in China EJAIB 22 (November 2012), 220-224.
Carter Reitman and Ann Boyd, Research Principles as Clashing Phantoms EJAIB 22 (November 2012), 224-226.
Francisco D. Lara, Ethical Analysis of the Embryonic Stem Cell Controversy EJAIB 22 (November 2012), 226-236.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Bioethics Issues Around the Globe EJAIB 23 (January 2013), 1-2.
Alonso Cerd�n, Alejandro Gonz�lez, Emma L. Ver�stegui, Alonso Cerdan, Who decides? The role of the family in the informed decision in Mexican cancer patients EJAIB 23 (January 2013), 2-9.
Maria de F�tima Oliveira dos Santos, Nat�lia Oliva Teles Eliane Helena Alvim de Souza, Rui Nunes, Medical malpractice: analysis of professional ethical processes in Paraiba, Brazil EJAIB 23 (January 2013), 9-13.
Atsushi Asai and Kenji Miki, Case study concerning privacy in the care of patients with HIV EJAIB 23 (January 2013), 13-17.
Nader Ghotbi, The ethics of reproductive medicine in the Islamic Republic of Iran EJAIB 23 (January 2013), 17-23.
Susannah Tye, Wilhelmina van Rooy and Irina Pollard, Drug and Alcohol Use, Sexual Intimacy and Associated Health Status of Senior High School Students: Implications for Learning and Schooling EJAIB 23 (January 2013), 23-30.
Annaswamy Nalini, Humanism in medicine as the main premise for rethinking medical ethics education EJAIB 23 (January 2013), 30-31.
Oluwaseun Adeola Adenugba, The Epistemological Importance of Informed Consent in Clinical Research EJAIB 23 (January 2013), 31-36.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Volunteerism and Social Inclusion EJAIB 23 (March 2013), 37-38.
Min Zhangm, Youth Volunteerism in Asia-Pacific� UNESCO YPA and LBD Trainees� Voice of Volunteerism EJAIB 23 (March 2013), 38-46.
V Prabhu and Tanuja Kalita, Ethics and Legality of Euthanasia in Indian Context EJAIB 23 (March 2013), 46-50.
Nida Khan, A Framework for Advancing Health Equity in Pakistan EJAIB 23 (March 2013), 50-56.
Sarah Kroske, and Ann Boyd, Individual Case Reveals Dilemmas in Just Healthcare EJAIB 23 (March 2013), 56-58.
Tyler Hislop and Ann Boyd, Valuing Individuals within a Social Justice Framework EJAIB 23 (March 2013), 58-60.
K. K. Verma and Rashmi Saxena, Cooperation: Among siblings or also among non-siblings? EJAIB 23 (March 2013), 60-63.
Miyagi Akiko, Learner�s Attitudes to be Cultivated through Clinical Ethics Case Studies: with Reference to the Method of Psychotherapy Diagnostic Interview EJAIB 23 (March 2013), 63-69.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Cross cultural bioethics discourse EJAIB 23 (May 2013), 69.
Miwako Hosoda, Living with a Misunderstood Disease: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Japan EJAIB 23 (May 2013), 70-2.
Stellina Jolly, Right to Abortion under International Law EJAIB 23 (May 2013), 72-7.
Karori Mbugua, Is Non-procreation the Solution to Human Suffering? EJAIB 23 (May 2013), 77-80.
Katsuaki YamanoWhat are the real qualifications of professionals? Consideration from the Point of View of the Patients in the Practice of Rehabilitation Medicine in Japan EJAIB 23 (May 2013), 80-83.
r. Abdul Wahab Suri, Right without Choice and the Future of Bioethics Discourse in Post-Colonial Society EJAIB 23 (May 2013), 83-92.
Masayuki Kodama, The Current State of Surrogacy in Thailand and the Ethical Assessment of Dr. Somboon Kunathikom � A Study of Thai Reproductive Medicine (Surrogacy) Ethics, by Means of a Three-Layer Structural Analysis EJAIB 23 (May 2013), 93-99.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: American University of Sovereign Nations offering Masters in Bioethics & Global Public Health EJAIB 23 (July 2013), 101.
Alin Horj, Suvi Moalinen and Darryl Macer, Evaluation of Third and Fourth Youth Peace Ambassador (YPA3 and YPA4) Training Programmes EJAIB 23 (July 2013), 102-34.
Takao Takahashi, Bioethics and the Dead: Application of the concept �Cambridge change� EJAIB 23 (July 2013), 135-7.
Shinya Ueno, Comparative Community Policy Analysis: Meaning of Communal Principle EJAIB 23 (July 2013), 137-140.
Chutatip Umavijani, Reproductive Health in Thailand and Mindful Parents for Reproduction and Healthy Family and Society EJAIB 23 (July 2013), 140-2.
George Joseph, Transhistorical Attitude and Protective Possibilities of Science and Technology EJAIB 23 (July 2013), 142-6.
Naoshi Yamawaki, Bioethics and Public Philosophy after Fukushima EJAIB 23 (July 2013), 146-7.
Paolo M. Cattorini, Doing Justice to Bioethics: The Role of Cinema EJAIB 23 (July 2013), 147-54.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Ethics Around the Globe EJAIB 23 (Sept 2013), 157.
Humitake Seki, Ethics in the Traditional Martial Art of the Kashima Grand Shrine & in the Bible EJAIB 23 (Sept 2013), 158-60.
Arnd T. May and Hans-Martin Sass, The Check-list Approach in Personalized Medicine EJAIB 23 (Sept 2013), 160-5.
Tamara Kudaibergenova and Diethelm Kleiner, How can humans live without harming other living organisms? EJAIB 23 (Sept 2013), 165-7.
K.Aizawa, A.Asai, Y.Kobayashi, K.Hoshiko & S.Bito, Neo-Socratic Dialogue on Fairness in the Healthcare System EJAIB 23 (Sept 2013), 167-171.
W.Akmam, S.Nahar, A.Mahejabin, Women�s Opinions and Experiences Regarding Pursuing a Professional Life: A Micro Level Study of a Mahalla in Rajshahi City Corporation, Bangladesh EJAIB 23 (Sept 2013), 171-180.
J. Thresa Jeniffer and J. Joannes Sam Mertens, Ethical Issues of Wireless Sensor Networks in Environmental Applications EJAIB 23 (Sept 2013), 180-181.
Liliane Lins, Albert Schweitzer�s Ethical and humanistic reflections in Brazilian healthcare EJAIB 23 (Sept 2013), 181-185.
Maria de Fátima Oliveira dos Santos, Natália Oliva Teles, Nicole de Castro Gomes, Joana Cariri Valkasser, Tavares, Edilza Câmara Nóbrega, Evaluation of the Provision of Palliative Care Among Anesthesiologists in Brazil EJAIB 23 (Sept 2013), 185-188.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Ethics and Equity EJAIB 23 (Nov 2013), 189.
ader Ghotbi, The ethics of organ transplantation in the Islamic Republic of Iran EJAIB 23 (Nov 2013), 190-3.
Chutatip Umavijani, Bioethics in Thailand: Perspective from Past to Present and Unsolved Problems EJAIB 23 (Nov 2013), 193-9.
Ananya Tritipthumrongchok, A Buddhist perspective on genetic enhancement EJAIB 23 (Nov 2013), 199-202.
Jose Ma. Ernesto Jacinto Ybanez Tomacruz, Jaron Lanier�s Lock-In as Exemplified by Facebook EJAIB 23 (Nov 2013), 202-7.
Sumaira Khowaja-Punjwani, Framework for Advancing Health Care in Pakistan EJAIB 23 (Nov 2013), 207-12.
Randall Horton, Exploitation in Research: Utilitarian Considerations EJAIB 23 (Nov 2013), 212-8.
Nitarshan Rajkumar, On the patenting of life: Ethical, medical, and economic repercussions EJAIB 23 (Nov 2013), 218-9.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Ethics, Religion and Making a Better Society EJAIB 24 (Jan 2014), 63-164.
Nader Ghotbi, Religion and Ethics in the Japanese Society EJAIB 24 (Jan 2014), 2-5.
Kenjiro Uemura, Spirituality & the concept of amae or the desire to be loved EJAIB 24 (Jan 2014), 5-7.
Ann Boyd, Theological and Philosophical Partners for Human Rights EJAIB 24 (Jan 2014), 7-10.
Makoto Ozaki, Tanabe�s Philosophy in the Comparative Contexts EJAIB 24 (Jan 2014), 10-12.
Masayuki Kodama, The Current State of Surrogate Conception in Japan and the Ethical Assessment of Dr. Yahiro Netsu � An Ethical Investigation of Japanese Reproductive Medicine (Surrogacy) EJAIB 24 (Jan 2014), 12-8.
V. Balambal, Dignity and Freedom through Human Security EJAIB 24 (Jan 2014), 18-21.
Sivapalan Selvadurai, Ong Puay Liu, Marsitah Mohd Radzi, Ong Puay Hoon and Nor Adlyizan, Emerging community ethics and student education: A rural community experience EJAIB 24 (Jan 2014), 21-6.
Bengyella Louis, Engineered pathogenesis related protein crops and consumer behavioral patterns EJAIB 24 (Jan 2014), 26-30.
Zoheb Rafique, Saira Baloch, Teaching Bioethics to Undergraduate Physiotherapy students: Students� Attitudes and Perceptions EJAIB 24 (Jan 2014), 30-33.
Akio Kanayama, Ethics Education Addressing Issues Related to Community- based Healthcare Services: Comparison of Case Study Methodologies Using Drama Cases EJAIB 24 (Jan 2014), 33-36.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Bioethics and Betterment of Lives EJAIB 24 (March 2014), 37.
37 - - A. S. M. Anwarullah Bhuiyan, Bioethics and the Challenges to Its Development in Bangladesh EJAIB 24 (March 2014), 38-49.
Latifah Amin, N.A. Ahmad Azlan & J. Ahmad, Ethical Perceptions of Genetically Modified Crops in Malaysia EJAIB 24 (March 2014), 50-66.
V. Balambal, Ethical Values of Food Safety EJAIB 24 (March 2014), 66-8.
Amber Ali Muhammad, Issues of research ethics in developing world: Ways of improving the scenario EJAIB 24 (March 2014), 66-8.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Bioethics in East Asia EJAIB 24 (May 2014), 69.
Akio Kanayama, Naming and being named, listening and being listened to: Opening one�s heart to others - Thoughts from days spent with friends from L�Arche EJAIB 24 (May 2014), 70-6.
Atsushi Asai, Application of Takahashi�s Three-Level Structure Analysis to Biomedical Ethics in End-of-Life Care in East Asia in Consideration of Future Normative Ethical Directions: A Brief Report EJAIB 24 (May 2014), 76-81.
Norman K. Swazo, A Physician�s Duty to Treat MERS-CoV Patients? An Ethical Assessment EJAIB 24 (May 2014), 81-7.
Yanguang Wang, Chinese Views of the Ethical Issues and Governance of Stem Cell Research EJAIB 24 (May 2014), 87-93.
87 On-Kwok Lai, The Borrowed Organ (-Donation) Reciprocities: Long Live My (becoming Other�s) Body and Spirit! EJAIB 24 (May 2014), 93-104.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Bioethics and Ideas EJAIB 24 (July 2014), 105.
Darryl Macer, AUSN Conference on Bioethics, Public Health and Peace for Indigenous Peoples EJAIB 24 (July 2014), 106-114.- Jeremy Boyd and Ann Boyd, Thinking and Technology EJAIB 24 (July 2014), 114-7.
Pushkar Aggarwal, Differential Perception of Human Life Value and Bioethics EJAIB 24 (July 2014), 117-9.
Frida Simonstein, Autistic Syndrome Disorders (ASDs) and forgotten mine-fields: What should parents do? EJAIB 24 (July 2014), 119-23.
Zoheb Rafique, Pharmaceutical Bribing: A Global Challenge EJAIB 24 (July 2014), 123-5.
Hikmah Muktamiroh, Yayi Suryo Prabandari, Soenarto Sastrowijoto, Academic Integrity Perception, Behavior, and Intention of Medical School Students EJAIB 24 (July 2014), 125-9.
Claire Lajaunie, Serge Morand, Tan Boon Huan, Barcoding, biobanking, ebanking for �One Health� projects in South-East Asia: considering ethics and international law EJAIB 24 (July 2014), 129-35.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Wisdom for our Future EJAIB 24 (Sept 2014), 137.
Atsushi Asai, Yasuhiro Kadooka, Sakiko Masaki, Doubt the Analects: An educational session using the Analects in medical ethics in Japan EJAIB 24 (Sept 2014), 138-42.
Tejasha Kalita and Archana Barua, The Issue of Abortion and Mother- Fetus Relations: A study from Buddhist perspectives EJAIB 24 (Sept 2014), 142-6.
Deepa P., Perspectives of Euthanasia from Terminally Ill Patients: A Philosophical Perspective EJAIB 24 (Sept 2014), 146-9.
Mohammad Manzoor Malik, Islamic Perceptions of Medication with Special Reference to Ordinary and Extraordinary Means of Medical Treatment EJAIB 24 (Sept 2014), 149-56.
Catherine van Zeeland, Roles of The Hague as a Centre for International Law overcoming environmental challenges EJAIB 24 (Sept 2014), 156-61.
J.Thresa Jeniffer and J. Joannes Sam Mertens, Effects of e-waste on human health and environment EJAIB 24 (Sept 2014), 161-3.
Zoheb Rafique, Perception of Ethical Issues among Undergraduate Medical Students at a Pakistani Medical University EJAIB 24 (Sept 2014), 163-5.
ABC15 Conference: Ethics, Human Security and Sustainability: Knowledge & Practices in Asia Pacific (Abstracts) EJAIB 24 (Nov 2014), 169-99.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Wisdom for our Future EJAIB 25 (Jan 2015), 1.
S. Sakai, N. Seki, H. Yamanouchi, M. Miyasaka, Quality of life and palliative care needs of patients with Niigata Minamata disease: A complete survey after 50 years since the disaster EJAIB 25 (Jan 2015), 2-7.
Rhyddhi Chakraborty and Chhanda Chakraborti, Pandemic Influenza Planning and Response in India, 1949-2009 EJAIB 25 (Jan 2015), 7-13.
Georges Chapouthier, Animal rights and the need for a universal ethics EJAIB 25 (Jan 2015), 13-15.
Ademola Kazeem Fayemi, Implications of African Conception of Personhood for Bioethics: Reply To Godfrey Tangwa EJAIB 25 (Jan 2015), 15-21.
Neil Pembroke, Compassionate Care by Clinicians: Insights from the Judeo-Christian and Buddhist Traditions EJAIB 25 (Jan 2015), 21-4.
J. Thresa Jeniffer and J. Joannes Sam Mertens, Ethical Issues of Wireless Sensor Network in Health Care Applications EJAIB 25 (Jan 2015), 24-27.
Bang-Ook Jun, Sinking of ethics with MV Sewol EJAIB 25 (Jan 2015), 26-7.
Irina Pollard, Bioscience Ethics Education Challenges Learning Across the Generations EJAIB 25 (Jan 2015), 27-32.
Darryl Macer Editorial: Scientific Responsibility EJAIB 25 (March 2015), 33.
Manjae Kim and Bang-Ook Jun , Hwang Woo-suk Scandal Reconstructed Based on Mass Mobilization EJAIB 25 (March 2015), 34-8.
Ann Boyd, Teaching Ethics to Professional Scientists EJAIB 25 (March 2015), 38-42.
Yanguang Wang, The Principle of Autonomy, and decision-making differences between American and Chinese Cultures EJAIB 25 (March 2015), 42-45.
Taka Fujii , Concept of �Treatmentalization� EJAIB 25 (March 2015), 45-7.
Nor Aina Mhd Khotib, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen, Shaikh Mohd Salleh , Shortage of organ donation resulting from difficulties in the diagnosis of brain death by medical practitioners in Malaysia EJAIB 25 (March 2015), 47-50.
Zoheb Rafique , Current debates on �Standard of Care� in Research on Human Subjects in the Developing World EJAIB 25 (March 2015), 50-2.
Akio Kanayama, Deficiencies in Japan�s Medical Ethics Review System EJAIB 25 (March 2015), 52-7.
Daniel J. Hurst, A Re-examination of Organ Sale and its Challenges EJAIB 25 (March 2015), 57-62.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: A Sustainable World EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 65.
Aborisade Olasunkanmi, Surrogate Motherhood and Yoruba African Culture EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 66-9.
Nasrudin A.M., Shulhana Mokhtar, Enhancing professional obstetric care with competence in clinical bioethics EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 69-72.
Hilaire Tegnan Legal Pluralism and Land Administration in West Sumatra: Implementation of Local and Nagari Governments� Regulations on Communal Land Tenure EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 72-8.
Jayapaul Azariah , It is time to think! Changing faces of family and Marriage and Parenting EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 78-81.
Zoheb Rafique, Ethical Issues of Clinical Ethics and Research Ethics in the Developing World and Pakistan: Is there any Solution? EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 81-82.
Christopher Ryan B. Maboloc , Reflections on Grassroots Democracy: Its Role in Creating Resilient and Sustainable Communities EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 82-4.
Timothy D. Boyle , Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Hate and Revenge: The True- Life Story of 'Wounded Tiger,' A Lesson From History EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 84-7.
Bing H. Tang, An Analysis on the Intentionality and a Philosophical Disclosure on Ethics and Morality: Two Filicide cases as Examples of Criminal Behaviour of Persons Diagnosed with Mental Illness 87 - EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 87-93.
N. Yaacob, S.B. Ismail, Zabidi A. Hussin, An integrated and multi-dimensional approach for teaching medical ethics in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) based on MERCI EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 93-96.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Public Health and Society EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 97.
Bang-Ook Jun, Ethical Concerns Surrounding MERS Outbreak in Korea EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 98-100.
Norman K. Swazo, Santhara between Law and Morality: India�s Dilemma about a Jain Practice EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 100-104.
Nur Farhani Zarmani, Mohd Anuar Ramli, Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd Salleh Nor Azwany Yaacob, Siti Rahmah Hashim Isa, The ethical aspects of halal certification of medical devices in Malaysia EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 104-109.
Merican, Wan Nazirah Wan Yusuf, Nurturing medical ethics and professionalism through life experience: �A day in a doctor�s life� EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 109-112.
Hiroko Ishimoto, Sakiko Masaki, Atsushi Asai, Should an Incapacitated Patient�s Refusal of Treatment Be Respected? Discussion of a Hypothetical Case EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 112-118.
Angelina Patrick Olesen, Siti Nurani Mohd Nor, Latifah Amin, A Qualitative Study of the Attitudes of Three Selected Groups in Malaysia on ethical implications of Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 119-124.
Yuanyuan Liu, Ethics status of clinical research and trials in developing countries EJAIB 25 (July 2015), 124-8.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: End of Life issues EJAIB 25 (Sept 2015), 169.
Shahanaz Chowdhury, End-of-life care in the adult intensive care unit: Attitudes and practices of critical care physicians and nurses, EJAIB 25 (Sept 2015), 170-187.
Ananya Tritipthumrongchok, Fortune Telling as Mental Health Support, EJAIB 25 (Sept 2015), 188-203.
Nader Ghotbi, A bioethical interpretation of Buddha�s enlightenment, EJAIB 25 (Sept 2015), 204-8
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Moulding our Minds EJAIB 25 (Nov 2015), 209.
Lara L�pez-Hern�ez Mindfulness techniques in schools. Academic
 & personal development of participants EJAIB 25 (Nov 2015), 210-216.
Shahana Dastagir
, Informed consent in dental practice in Bangladesh: A survey on dental practitioners� knowledge, attitudes and awareness EJAIB 25 (Nov 2015), 216-226.
Hilaire Tegnan and Saldi Isra, Legal Pluralism In Post-Colonial Developing Countries: The Case of Indonesia EJAIB 25 (Nov 2015), 227-239.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Reflection of Life Ethics EJAIB 26 (Jan 2016), 1.
Bang-Ook Jun, Reflection on the bone marrow donation to Sung-Duk Bauman EJAIB 26 (Jan 2016), 2-4.
Masayuki Kodama, The Present State of Regulations Concerning Reproductive Medicine, Particularly Surrogacy, in both India and Thailand EJAIB 26 (Jan 2016), 4-8.
Sumaira Khowaja-Punjwani, Issues of Research Ethics in Developing World EJAIB 26 (Jan 2016), 8-11.
Hannah Holitzki and Gregor Wolbring, Responsible Innovation and Ethics: A need for Globalization EJAIB 26 (Jan 2016), 11-17.
Rhyddhi Chakraborty, Consideration of Health Capability Paradigm to Ensure Equitable Protection through Indian National Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention Program EJAIB 26 (Jan 2016), 18-25.
- Lara L�pez-Hern�ez and Carmen Sabater Fern�ndez, Differences in gender and educational stage in the emotional skills during teacher training, EJAIB 26 (Jan 2016), 26-30.
Manjae Kim and Kyung-Suk Sung, Analyzing Bioethics Curriculum in Korea EJAIB 26 (Jan 2016), 32-6.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Ecological Health, EJAIB 26 (March 2016), 37.

 Juichiro Tanabe, A Buddhist philosophy of the human mind for a sustainable future EJAIB 26 (March 2016), 37-44.
Aryn Lisitza and Gregor Wolbring, EcoHealth and Ethics: Where is the guidance? EJAIB 26 (March 2016), 45-60.
Md. Jobair Alam, A Critical Assessment of the Ethical Approaches to Environmental Legislation in Bangladesh with an Emphasis on Biodiversity EJAIB 26 (March 2016), 60-87.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: What is Dignity? EJAIB 26 (May 2016), 89.
Mar�a Isabel Cornejo-Plaza and Darryl R.J. Macer, Cross Cultural Perspectives on Dignity, Bioethics, and Human Rights EJAIB 26 (May 2016), 90-95.
Md. Munir Hossain Talukder, Developing a Context-Sensitive Patient-Physician Relationship Model for Health Care in Bangladesh EJAIB 26 (May 2016), 95-101.
Nader Ghotbi, Violence and terrorism in the Middle East EJAIB 26 (May 2016), 101-106.
QCB Marcela Mas-Trevi�o, Dr. Pedro C�sar Cant�-Mart�nez, MSP C�sar Eduardo Luna-Gurrola, Hospital food Manipulator�s Moral Judgment Evaluation of Hand Wash Technique Training EJAIB 26 (May 2016), 106-12.
Zoheb Rafique, Student Perceptions and Attitude towards Bioethics Teaching to Undergraduate Medical Students EJAIB 26 (May 2016), 112-115.
Zoheb Rafique, Perception of Nursing Ethics among Undergraduate Nursing Students at a Nursing Institute of Pakistan EJAIB 26 (May 2016), 115-117.
Abu Sadat Mohammad Nurunnabi, Prospects and Problems of Stem Cell Research in Bangladesh: Can Equity and Justice be Maintained in the Context of Public Health Demand? EJAIB 26 (May 2016), 117-24.
Ankita Chakravarty, Medical Experimentation, Ethics and Regulation: Some Strands of Enquiry EJAIB 26 (May 2016), 125-8.
july 2016 Darryl Macer, Editorial: Dignity, Respect and Love EJAIB 26 (July 2016), 129.
Sakiko Masaki, Hiroko Ishimoto, Yasuhiro Kadooka, Atsushi Asai, Should a Brain-dead pregnant woman be provided somatic support to save the life of the fetus? EJAIB 26 (July 2016), 130-6.
Dashjamts Shagdarsuren and Battogtokh Gerelmaa, Compassion in medical ethics of traditional Mongolian medicine EJAIB 26 (July 2016), 137-40.
Ann Boyd, Framing Assumptions in Teaching Ethics Using Case Studies EJAIB 26 (July 2016), 140-144.
Zoheb Rafique, Internal Evaluation of Subject Ethics in Health Care: My Experience of MS Nursing Students at a Pakistani Nursing Institute EJAIB 26 (July 2016), 144-6.
Sumana Akter, Wardatul Akmam, Md. Nazmul Hoque The Patterns of Social Stigma among the Rural Women in Bangladesh: A Sociological Study EJAIB 26 (July 2016), 146-153.
Sibtain Panjwani, Would we leave our ageing parent or grandparent in the care of a robot? � A perspective from Islam EJAIB 26 (July 2016), 153-5.
Intekhab Islam, Vinicius Rosa, Raymond Wong, HESC to IPSC: Prohibition to Controlled Permissive-ness to ethical panacea EJAIB 26 (July 2016), 155-9.
Darryl Macer, World Bioethics Day, EJAIB 26 (Sept 2016), 161.
Irina Pollard, Cross Cultural Perspectives on Dignity, Bioethics, and Human Rights: A Reflection on World Bioethics Day EJAIB 26 (Sept 2016), 162-164.
Atsushi Asai, EJAIB and I EJAIB 26 (Sept 2016), 164-165.
Jayapaul Azariah, Seven Sexual Revolutions in History: Destination - Successful Failure EJAIB 26 (Sept 2016), 165-74.
Aya Enzo, Taketoshi Okita, Atsushi Asai, Japanese Bioethical Challenges Concerning Self Management Support For Patients With Chronic Conditions: An Analysis of Quality of Life & Autonomy EJAIB 26 (Sept 2016), 175-80.
Biplab Kumar Halder, Can the Principle of Procreative Beneficence Justify the Non-Medical Use of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis? EJAIB 26 (Sept 2016), 180-185.
Ann Boyd, Deliberative Democracy for a Gene Editing Policy EJAIB 26 (Sept 2016), 185-90.
185 Chuckie Calsado, Guiding Bioethical Principles through Issues of Colonisation EJAIB 26 (Sept 2016), 191-200
Patrick Foong, The Regulatory Regime for the Use of Embryos in Research: Braithwaite�s Theory of Responsive Regulation EJAIB 26 (Sept 2016), 200-207.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Innovation & Dialogue EJAIB 26 (Nov. 2016), 209.
Miyako Takagi, Ethical issues in medical and health care innovation EJAIB 26 (Nov. 2016), 210-4.
Takao Takahashi, Happiness in Bioethics EJAIB 26 (Nov. 2016), 214-6.
J. Thresa Jeniffer1, J. Joannes Sam Mertens and A. Joseph Thatheyus , Effects of Electrosmog on Birds: An Overview EJAIB 26 (Nov. 2016), 1216-219.
Chandanie Amila Wanigatunge, Shamini Prathapan, Gizelle Malinka Warnacula, Rochelle Shanika Tanner, Identifying reasons for delays in ethics approval: Experience of an institutional ethics review committee EJAIB 26 (Nov. 2016), 219-223.
Makoto Ozaki, Whitehead�s concept of the past as objective immortality with special reference to Tanabe�s idea of world religion EJAIB 26 (Nov. 2016), 223-6.
223 Nader Ghotbi, A comparison of socio-cultural values in Japan and Iran based on social media communications EJAIB 26 (Nov. 2016), 226-33.
226 Osama Rajkhan, Is dialogue possible with Islam?� EJAIB 26 (Nov. 2016), 233-7.
Sibtain Panjwani, Would we leave our ageing parent or grandparent in the care of a robot? � A perspective from Islam EJAIB 26 (Nov. 2016), 237-9.
Papers below here are linked to the pages in the journal only with the Paper (not the entire issue). Please provide feedback on which style you prefer
A. Sebastian Mahimairaj, M. Jothi Rajan
, M. Michel John Peter
 and Darryl Macer (2017), Bioethics and Socio-Economic Conditions of Ragpickers� in Tiruppur City, Tamil Nadu, India EJAIB 27 (Jan. 2016), 1-18.
Rani Tiyas Budiyanti1, Adi Sulistiyono, Pujiyono (2017), Sex Selection In Indonesia: An Ethical and Legal Perspective EJAIB 27 (Jan. 2017), 19-22.
Atsushi Asai, Taketoshi Okita, Aya Enzo (2017), Letter to the Editor: The challenges of medical ethics educators at a research university EJAIB 27 (Jan. 2017), 22.
Chung-Lin Chen
 (2017), Informed Consent: Substantive v. Formalistic Approach and the Law EJAIB 27 (Jan. 2017), 122-28.
Eunsuk Choi, Kyung Suk Sung, Gil Hee Seo, Geun MyunKim, Nurses� Awareness of Biomedical Ethics and Their Attitudes Toward Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatment EJAIB 27 (Jan. 2017), 28-35.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Ethical Therapy EJAIB 27 (March 2017), 37.
Darryl Macer, Obituary to a dear friend, Professor Dr. Jayapaul Azariah EJAIB 27 (March 2017), 38-9.
Irina Pollard, Obituary to Professor Dr. Jayapaul Azariah EJAIB 27 (March 2017), 39.
Darryl Macer, The world has lost a Bridge between Bioethics and our Future Prof. Dr. Umar Anggara Jenie EJAIB 27 (March 2017), 39-40.
Masayuki Kodama (2017), Risks Present in the Cambodian Surrogacy Business EJAIB 27 (March 2017), 40-44.
K. Yamano (2017), Consideration of Appropriate Clinical Internships for Occupational Therapy Students in Japan EJAIB 27 (March 2017), 44-8.
Samantha Sirianni, and Gregor Wolbring (2017), Lack of ethical reasoning in the innovation narrative of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science Literature EJAIB 27 (March 2017), 48-59.
O. Okoye, F. Maduka-Okafor, A. Udeaja, A. I Chuku (2017), On Being the Hippocratic Doctor: Views of House officers in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital EJAIB 27 (March 2017), 59-66.
Ankita Chakravarty and Ambedkar Bhavan (2017), Unethical Clinical Trials in India: A Selective preliminary overview EJAIB 27 (March 2017), 66-9.
Darryl Macer (2017), Editorial: Ethical Boundaries, EJAIB 27 (May 2017), 69.
Tonmoy Biswas & Darryl R.J. Macer (2017), Attitudes of Future Doctors of Bangladesh to Pharmaceutical Incentives and Medical Ethics EJAIB 27 (May 2017), 70-81.
Saeideh Sayari, DRJ Macer, Siti Nurani binti Nor (2017), The perception of Muslim motifs and juridical authorities of the concept of health and its function in issuing fatwas on abortion EJAIB 27 (May 2017), 81-95.
Carol Rizkalla (2017), The Ethical Dilemma of Human Germline Editing EJAIB 27 (May 2017), 95-99.
Oana Iftime (2017), Circus animals - how much is �unfair�? EJAIB 27 (May 2017), 99-102.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Ethical decisions, EJAIB 27 (July 2017), 105.
Miki Fukuyama, Atsushi Asai, Taeko Hanada Kenji Sakai, Yasuhiro Kadooka (2017), Factors influencing the decision-making of elderly acute leukemia patients in Japan regarding their treatment EJAIB 27 (July 2017), 106-113.
Bang-Ook Jun (2017), Eradicating Mosquitoes? The Promise and Peril of Gene Drive Technologies, EJAIB 27 (July 2017), 113-6.
Ann Boyd (2017), Better Humans and evolutionary nudge EJAIB 27 (July 2017), 116-21.
Manjae Kim (2017), The lack of environmental ethics in dealing with particulate matter in Korea EJAIB 27 (July 2017), 121-6.
Alexander Waller (2017), Contrasting views of the public vs. teenage students regarding renewable energy EJAIB 27 (July 2017), 126-32.
Yanguang Wang (2017), A Chinese perspective on the concept of common morality by Beauchamp and Childress EJAIB 27 (July 2017), 132-5.
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva (2017), The Retraction Watch retraction: how bad advice became worse advice for scientists and academics EJAIB 27 (July 2017), 135-40.
Darryl Macer (2017), Editorial: ABC Returns to Korea, EJAIB 27 (Sept 2017), 141-172.
ABC18 Abstract Book, 18th Asian Bioethics Conference: Future of Bioethics and Healthcare, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 25-27 October 2017
Darryl Macer , Editorial, EJAIB 27 (Nov 2017), 173.
Tomoko Miyajima, Jun Kikunaga, Megumi Taguchi, Mio Tanaka, Mayumi Nishikata, Harumi Hayashi, and Michio Miyasaka, Anguish and distress in recipients of cadaveric kidney transplants in Japan: a study of four cases, EJAIB 27 (Nov 2017), 174-8.
- Sumaira Khowaja-Punjwani, The influence of Islamic religious rulings (Fatwa) on medical practice in Pakistan, the case of pregnancy with fetus having birth defects, EJAIB 27 (Nov 2017), 178-183.
Atok Miftachul Hudha, Mohamad Amin Sutiman, Bambang Sumitro Sa’dun Akbar, A study on the knowledge of bioethics among prospective biology teachers, EJAIB 27 (Nov 2017), 183-6.
Nusrat Fatema Chowdhury, Bioethical issues in dental practice and prevention: Is dentistry paternalistic? , EJAIB 27 (Nov 2017), 186-90.
R. R. Kishore, Born from the ashes: Ethics and law of posthumous reproduction, EJAIB 27 (Nov 2017), 190-201.
Nila Kasuma, Dewi Elianora, Aida Fitriana, Fildzah Nurul Fajrin, Palatal rugae pattern identification to determine family lineage in Minangkabau, West Sumatera, Indonesia, EJAIB 27 (Nov 2017), 201-5.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Serving Public Good through Ethical Research, Engineering and Volunteering, EJAIB 28 (Jan 2018), 1.
Angelina P Olesen, Latifah Amin, Maznah Ibrahim, Anisah Che Ngah and Siti Zaimah Zainal, Effect of demographic variables on academicians’ behaviour towards research misconduct and its predictors, EJAIB 28 (Jan 2018), 2-11.
Christopher Ryan Maboloc, Takao Takahashi’s Disaster Ethics and Climate Justice, EJAIB 28 (Jan 2018), 11-4.
Ranjan Aryal and Darryl Macer, Effective Analysis of Mitigation Measures on Rural Roads of Nepal, EJAIB 28 (Jan 2018), 14-26.
Bellarmee Lumbwe Milosi and Darryl Macer, Social justice advocacy and its challenges: Case studies of International African volunteers serving in the Asia-Pacific Region, EJAIB 28 (Jan 2018), 26-36.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Ethics, knowledge and body function, EJAIB 28 (March 2018), 37.
Sody A Naimer, The ethical impacts of routine use of digital eyeglasses on the doctor-patient interaction, EJAIB 28 (March 2018), 38-42.
Nila Kasuma, M.Biomed, Dewi Elianora, Aida Fitriana, M.Biomed, Fildzah Nurul Fajrin, Haria Fitri, Palatal rugae pattern identification to determine family lineage in Minangkabau, West Sumatera, Indonesia, EJAIB 28 (March 2018), 42-45.
Joseph Nkang Ogar, Bassey Samuel Akpan, Female genital cutting: a philosophical exposition, EJAIB 28 (March 2018), 45-51.
Bikash Thapa and Darryl Macer, Bases of Early Marriage and Consequences on the Well-being of Mother and Child in Jhirubas, Palpa, Nepal, EJAIB 28 (March 2018), 51-65.
Md. Anower Hussain Mian, Kazi Md. Sakib Hossain, Nasrin Akhter and Darryl Macer, Prevalence of Oral and Dental Diseases and Oral Hygiene Practices among Illicit Drug Abusers, EJAIB 28 (March 2018), 65-80.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Health and Technology, EJAIB 28 (May 2018), 81.
Josephine Joseph Mwakisambwe, Fred Kasasi, Elia J Mbaga and Darryl Macer, Ethics and Risk Factors for Esophageal Cancer & Awareness of Cancer Related Health Services Among Adults in Rural Kilimanjaro, Tanzania: A Prerequisite for Cancer Down Staging, EJAIB 28 (May 2018), 82-95.
Michael Cheng-tek Tai and Phyllis Hsu, Jahr’s Bioethical Imperative and Euthanasia, EJAIB 28 (May 2018), 95-8.
Syeda Farwa Naqvi and Gregor Wolbring, HIV/AIDS Health Promotion: Coverage of disabled people within academic literature and Canadian newspapers, EJAIB 28 (May 2018), 98-103.
Osebor Ikechukwu Monday, Is Organ Farming a Panacea to Organ Crisis? Ethical Implications, EJAIB 28 (May 2018), 103-9.
Guntur Heri Putranto and Winny Setyo Nugroho, Sharp Safety Curriculum for Health Workers, EJAIB 28 (May 2018), 109-10.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Bioethics, Stress and Moral Responsibility, EJAIB 28 (July 2018), 103.
Nasrin Akhter, Ashraful Alam, Md. Anower Hussain Mian, Hasan Mahmud Reza, Darryl Macer, Saiful Islam, Repeated administration of high dose caffeine induces oxidative damage of liver in rat: Health and ethical implications, EJAIB 28 (July 2018), 104-112.
Alexander Waller, Some beneficial effects on the physical heath and academic achievement of middle years secondary school students through studying environmental ethics, EJAIB 28 (July 2018), 112-8.
Patrick Foong, Stem Cell Tourism: Addressing the Challenge of Regulatory Cosmopolitanism, EJAIB 28 (July 2018), 118-127.
Jasper Doomen, The Struggle unto Death, EJAIB 28 (July 2018), 127-30.
Joseph N. Ogar, Ushie Abel Idagu, Samuel Akpan Bassey, The Question of Moral Responsibility and Physician’s Practice in Nigeria, EJAIB 28 (July 2018), 130-4.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Extending Humanity, EJAIB 28 (Sept. 2018), 135.
Ann Boyd, Transhumanism Challenge to Bioethics, EJAIB 28 (Sept. 2018), 137-41.
Kouy BunRong, Perspectives on the Ethics of Maternal Somatic Support, EJAIB 28 (Sept. 2018), 141-3.
Sumaira Khowaja-Punjwani, Pakistani Parents Understand Informed Consent but not Assent: A Pilot Study, EJAIB 28 (Sept. 2018), 143-51.
Penggalih Mahardika Herlambang, Rani Tiyas Budiyanti, Andi Novianto, Cybersecurity Challenges in the Implementation of a Hospital Management Information System, EJAIB 28 (Sept. 2018), 151-4.
Amrit Kumar Dhimal, Role of Ethics in Hospitality and Tourism Industry, EJAIB 28 (Sept. 2018), 154-5.
Ann Boyd, Caylee Marie Winpigler, Enrique Figueroa, Ethical Challenges of the Zika Epidemic, EJAIB 28 (Sept. 2018), 154-8.
Ann Boyd, Jeni Lacko, Grace Weaver, Juliet Traini and Jenna Frick, Global Challenges in Sustainable Public Health, EJAIB 28 (Sept. 2018), 158-63.
Alexander Waller, Book Review of: International Biolaw and Shared Ethical Principles: Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, EJAIB 28 (Sept. 2018), 163-4.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Gender Equality, EJAIB 28 (Nov.2018), 167.
Nasreen Rafiq, Shyrose Sultan, Afsheen Hirani, Samreen Siraj, Zainish Hajani, Neelam Rafiq, Nursing and #MeToo, EJAIB 28 (Nov.2018), 168-171.
Feby Basco Lunag and Darryl Macer, Ethical Analysis and the Situation of Teenage Pregnancy in Irisan Baguio City, the Philippines, EJAIB 28 (Nov.2018), 171-179.
Ketan Mor, Ancient Indian Gurukul System: Developing an Ethical Human Being, EJAIB 28 (Nov.2018), 179-183.
Naznin Pervin, Darryl Macer and Shamima P. Lasker, Levels and Determinants of Complementary Feeding Pattern Exclusive of Minimum Meal Frequency and Dietary Diversity among Children of 6 to 23 Months in Bangladesh, EJAIB 28 (Nov.2018), 183-93.
Bibek Adhikari and Darryl Macer, Youth Volunteers in Post-Disaster Rehabilitation and Reconstruction in Nepal, EJAIB 28 (Nov.2018), 193-202. -
Bangkok Statement on Human Gene Editing and Human Genetic Engineering, EJAIB 29 (Jan. 2019), 1-4.
1 Darryl Macer, International Approaches to Regulation of Human Genetic Modification, EJAIB 29 (Jan. 2019), 4-8.
Rogelio P. Bayod , Developing an indigenous ethics: On Recognition and Social Justice, EJAIB 29 (Jan. 2019), 8-14.
Christopher Ryan Maboloc, Practical Ethics and the Principle of Merit: Implications to Disability Rights, EJAIB 29 (Jan. 2019), 14-18.
Daniel Mishori, Water Keepers, Fluoridation and the Rule of Experts: Bioethical implications of Disciplinary Science, EJAIB 29 (Jan. 2019), 18-26.
Manuel Lozano Rodríguez, Ethical Information Foresights: A Journey Across Uncharted Conflictology, EJAIB 29 (Jan. 2019), 26-9.
Chutatip Umavijani, Buddhist Perspectives upon Disease & Human Gene Editing, EJAIB 29 (Jan. 2019), 29-31.
Ananya Tritipthumrongchok, The Power of Life: Ethics and the Seven Universal Truths, EJAIB 29 (Jan. 2019), 31-2.
Tamar Gidron, Legal & Ethical Issues in Modern Medical Research and Procedures: Cultural, Religious & Political Considerations. Israeli Society as an Example, EJAIB 29 (Jan. 2019), 32-6.
Alex Waller, Preventing the Catastrophian Age: mechanisms to negate the need of lifeboats, EJAIB 29 (Jan. 2019), 36-41.
John Weckert, Nilza Maria Diniz, Deborah Kala Perkins, Keith Aiken M. Pajarillo, Aldrin M. Ulep, Angelo D. Fajardo, Christian Gilbert S. Esteban, Junel Kristian M. Semaña, Further Abstracts from the Seventh AUSN-Chulalongkorn Bioethic Workshop, EJAIB 29 (Jan. 2019), 41-46.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Looking Beyond Disaster at the Boundaries, EJAIB 29 (March 2019), 45.
Juichiro Tanabe, Buddhism and post-liberal peacebuilding: Building a holistic peace model by interconnecting liberal peace and Buddhist peace, EJAIB 29 (March 2019), 46-53.
Mohammad Manzoor Malik, Analysis of Euthanasia from the Cluster of Concepts to Precise Definition, EJAIB 29 (March 2019), 53-56.
Masayuki Kodama, The Surrogacy Industry in Georgia and Japanese Patients, EJAIB 29 (March 2019), 53-56-9.
Abdul Jaleel Kadhim Alwali, Bioethics Issues in Arab Society, EJAIB 29 (March 2019), 59-64.
Atsushi Asai, Taketoshi Okita, Aya Enzo, Motoki Ohnishi, Seiji Bito, Hope for the best and prepare for the worst: Ethical concerns related to the introduction of healthcare artificial intelligence, EJAIB 29 (March 2019), 64-71.
Mayumi Nishikata, Mio Tanaka, Michio Miyasaka, Measuring Individual Quality of Life in Japanese Women with High-Risk Pregnancies: Clues for Improving Care Plans and the Hospital Environment, EJAIB 29 (March 2019), 71-8.
Shyrose Sultan, Samreen Siraj, Zainish Zafarullah, Afsheen Hirani, Nasreen Rafiq, A race inside the body: decision of the fate of newborn, EJAIB 29 (March 2019), 78-82. -
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Gene-editing Ethics and the Disasters of Terrorism, EJAIB 29 (May 2019), 81.
81 Bang-Ook Jun, Developing a regulation matrix for human germline gene editing, EJAIB 29 (May 2019), 82-85.
Oana Iftime, Ştefana-Maria Petruţ, Heritable gene editing: Whose burden is it? , EJAIB 29 (May 2019), 85-89.
Michael Cheng-tek Tai, Revisiting the proposal of Asian principles of bioethics, EJAIB 29 (May 2019), 89-93.
Hans-Martin Sass, Albert Einstein in 1935 on Electrosmog and Fake News, EJAIB 29 (May 2019), 93-95.
- Jan Gresil S. Kahambing, Bargaining with positivism: Science’s nexus to philosophy, EJAIB 29 (May 2019), 95-99.
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Debunking the perceived loss of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) moral compass: conspiracy theory, or a genuine cause for concern? , EJAIB 29 (May 2019), 99-109.
Afsheen Amir Ali Hirani , Nasreen Rafiq, Shyrose Sultan, Zainish Hajani, Samreen Siraj, Silence in Violence: A curse or a Goodwill? , EJAIB 29 (May 2019), 109-113.
Istanbul Communiqué on Looking Beyond Disaster, EJAIB 29 (May 2019), 113-8. .
Barcelona Declaration of the International Society for Clinical Bioethics: Protection of childrens dignity and rights in the context of new global challenges and increased vulnerabilities, EJAIB 29 (July 2019), 118-9.
Mohammad Mahmodur Rahman, Obtaining informed consent for Cesarean sections in Bangladesh, EJAIB 29 (July 2019), 110-26.
Adi Sulistiyono, Rani Tiyas Budiyanti, Ayun Sriatmi, A regulatory framework for telemedicine in Indonesia, EJAIB 29 (July 2019), 126-132.
Galadima Gladstone Wayas, Sivapalan Selvadurai, Abd Hair Awang, Youth unemployment in Nigeria: A failed state argument, EJAIB 29 (July 2019), 132-8.
Salman Ahmed Khatani, Ghazal Khawaja Hummayun Akhtar, A review of womens intellectual contribution under the bureaucracy in Pakistan, EJAIB 29 (July 2019), 138-42.
Sreejith P. S., Krishna G., Chandramohanan Nair K.R., Influence of affluence in the choice of assisted reproductive technology and why it warrants a policy change, EJAIB 29 (July 2019), 142-5.
Jan Gresil S. Kahambing, Living the anthropocene from the end of nature to ethical prospects, EJAIB 29 (July 2019), 145-50.
Alex Waller, Book Review of Beyond Bioethics: Towards A New Biopolitics, EJAIB 29 (July 2019), 150-2.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Academic Freedom is an Essence of Bioethical Discourse, EJAIB 29 (Sept 2019), 153.
153 Stuart H. Hurlbert , Attempts by scientists to suppress discussion of overpopulation: A California case that backfired nicely EJAIB 29 (Sept 2019), 154-66.
Haydn Washington, Ian Lowe, Helen Kopnina, Why denial of human overpopulation is a key barrier to a sustainable future, EJAIB 29 (Sept 2019), 166-9.
Rochelle Deloria, Aspen Lillywhite, Valentina Villamil & Gregor Wolbring, How research literature and media cover the role and image of disabled people in relation to artificial intelligence and neuro-research, EJAIB 29 (Sept 2019), 169-182.
Legacies of Love, Peace and Hope New Living Book, EJAIB 29 (Sept 2019), 182-3.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Holistic Bioethics EJAIB 29 (Nov. 2019), 185.
Patrick Foong Chee Kuen, Ownership issues in autologous stem cell therapies EJAIB 29 (Nov. 2019), 186-191.
Nader Ghotbi, The right to privacy vs. the right to know EJAIB 29 (Nov. 2019), 191-6.
Sumaira Khowaja-Punjwani, Current challenges in the healthcare system of Pakistan, EJAIB 29 (Nov. 2019), 196-200.
D. S. Sheriff, Love of science needs to be tempered with humanity, EJAIB 29 (Nov. 2019), 200-201.
Zoheb Rafique and Aqsa Fatima, Attitudes and eating habits among Pakistani undergraduate medical students, EJAIB 29 (Nov. 2019), 201-203.
Jan Gresil S. Kahambing, The ethical nihilism of hedonistic posthuman sex, EJAIB 29 (Nov. 2019), 203-208.
Osebor Ikechukwu Monday, Pragmatic Organ Donation: Reinterpreting Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, EJAIB 29 (Nov. 2019), 208-13.
Eubios Declaration for International Bioethics, EJAIB 29 (Nov. 2019), 213-216 (Reprint from 2002).
Darryl Macer, Editorial: COVID19 and Health, EJAIB 30 (Jan. 2019), 1.
Ann Boyd, Brianna Higgins & Katelyn Millison, Patients without borders: medical tourism, EJAIB 30 (Jan. 2019), 2-7.
Harumi Hayashi and Michio Miyasaka , Experiences of a Japanese couple following fertilization with a donated egg: the husbands narrative, EJAIB 30 (Jan. 2019), 7-12.
Mukhamedova Zamira Mukhamedzhanovna and Umirzakova Nargiza Akmalovna, Historical and modern aspects of Islamic philosophical, religious and ethical traditions in medicine in Uzbekistan, EJAIB 30 (Jan. 2019), 12-20.
Al O. Giwa, An ethical proposal for Universalism versus relativism in research, EJAIB 30 (Jan. 2019), 20-25.
Angelina Patrick, Olesen , Latifah Amin, Zurina Mahadi & Maznah Ibrahim, Fostering integrity in scientific research: understanding conflict of interests (COI) through responsible conduct of research (RCR), A HREF="EJAIB12020.pdf"> EJAIB 30 (Jan. 2019), 25-31.
Editorial: Ethical Systems- Darryl Macer, EJAIB 30 (March 2020), 33.
Sukran Sevimli An analysis of violence against health-care professionals in Turkey from online media reports, EJAIB 30 (March 2020), 34-43.
Camilo Noguera Pardo, Bio-law and biotechnological hyperconsumption: towards bio-juridical resignification of two bioethical principles for protection of cognitive health, EJAIB 30 (March 2020), 43-7.
Jan Gresil S. Kahambing, Posthuman sexlessness in cloning, Pokemon, and Nietzschean ethics, EJAIB 30 (March 2020), 47-51.
Christopher Ryan Maboloc, Liberal environmentalism and global climate justice, EJAIB 30 (March 2020), 51-7.
Alex Waller, BOOK REVIEW: The Ethics of Sustainability, EJAIB 30 (March 2020), 57-8.
Lana Adnan Issa al-Shareeda, The Iraq Commitment Medals, EJAIB 30 (March 2020), 58-9.
Emmanuel Efem Etta & Mary Julius Egbai, Surrogate Motherhood in Nigeria: An Ethical Appraisal, EJAIB 30 (March 2020), 59-64.
Darryl R.J. Macer (2020), Editorial: Bioethics and COVID19, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 65.
Mihaela Serbulea (2020), Bioethics gone viral: How to protect ourselves from any virus, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 66-69.
Rogelio P. Bayod (2020), Ethics of care and Philippine politics during the COVID-19 outbreak, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 69-76.
Leandro S. Estadilla (2020), Commentary on Bayod, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 76-77.
Christopher Ryan Maboloc (2020), Globalization and consumer culture: social costs and political implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 77-80.
Aldrin F. Quintero (2020), Commentary on Maboloc, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 80-81.
Leonard H. Le Blanc (2020), A brief historical review of the great pandemic of 1918: the Spanish flu, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 81-84.
Mahta Baratipour (2020), Ethical and social challenges of COVID-19 in Iran, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 84-85.
Marites V. Fontanilla (2020), Commentary on Baratipour, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 85.
Leonard H. Le Blanc (2020), Commentary on Baratipour, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 86.
Zehra Edisan (2020), Return to ourselves: psychological reflections over compulsory physical distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 86-90.
Dennis Alfaro (2020), Commentary on Edisan, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 90.
Dhastagir Sultan Sheriff (2020), Health care in India in the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic scenario, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 91-93.
Suma Parahakaran (2020), Spiritual universal ethical values for a global health system using change theory: results of a disintegrated approach in the 2020 pandemic, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 93-97.
Mireille D’Astous (2020), Bioethics at the time of coronavirus crisis; an ethical reflection on good public policies and a better future, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 97-100.
Purusottam KC (2020), Pandemics from the lens of former peace keeper: COVID-19 response, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 100-103.
Sukran Sevimli (2020), Evaluation of public health and clinical care ethical practices during the COVID-19 outbreak days from media reports in Turkey, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 103-10.
Esra Bilir (2020), Impacts of COVID19 Pandemic on Care of the Patients with Cancer, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 111-4.
Gerry F. Arambala (2020), Equality, Positive Health and Global Inequality in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 114-7.
Carmela M. Roybal (2020), Tribal Communities and Nations in a time of COVID-19, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 117.
Shahanaz Chowdhury (2020), COVID19: Social Stigma and Public Health Dilemma, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 122-4.
Wardatul Akmam and Md. Fakrul Islam (2020), Maintenance of Physical Distance to Prevent COVID-19: A Glimpse at Bangladesh, EJAIB 30 (April 2020), 124-7.
Darryl R.J. Macer (2020), Wearing Masks in COVID-19 Pandemic, the Precautionary Principle, and the Relationships between Individual Responsibility and Group Solidarity, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 129-132.
Nader Ghotbi (2020), Japanese management of COVID-19, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 129-132.
Maria Patrao Neves (2020), Ethical implications of Rationing vs Rationalization’ EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 134-6.
Rogelio P. Bayod (2020), Recognitive and redistributive claims in Covid-19 outbreak, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 136-143.
Omalpe Somananda (2020), Relationships between Sri Lankan culture, diets and COVID-19 disease control, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 143-148.
Dhastagir Sultan Sheriff (2020), A search for a COVID-19 cure in Siddha medicine, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 148-149.
Lakshmi Vyas (2020), Healing mind and body by Mantras, Ayurveda and Yoga, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 150-151.
Manuel Lozano Rodríguez (2020), How not to face coronavirus: the case of Spain, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 152-8.
Christopher Ryan Maboloc (2020), Who is the most vulnerable during a pandemic? The social model of disability and the COVID-19 crisis, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 158-161.
Marites V. Fontanilla (2020), Cybercrime pandemic, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 161-165.
Osama Rajhkan 3ndstage COVID-19 spread can be contained with HITT (hydrate, isolate, train, & test) and virtual contact, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 166-170.
Randy A. Tudy (2020), COVID-19 and Healthcare professionals: The principle of the common good, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 170-175.
Zehra Edisan (2020), Negotiating the Good Death: Saying Goodbye in the Time of COVID-19, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 175-8.
Leandro S. Estadilla (2020), The Economics of COVID-19 in the Philippines, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 178-82.
Marlon Patrick P. Lofredo (2020), Social Cohesion, Trust, and Government Action Against Pandemics, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 182-189.
Ananya Tritipthumrongchok (2020), COVID-19 Debates in Thailand, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 189-90.
Leonard H. Le Blanc, III (2020), Commentary on Tritipthumrongchok, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 190.
Mei Lu (2020), We need to work together to find a cure and vaccine for COVID-19, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 190-1.
Gerry Arambala (2020), Ozamiz Politics in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 191-196.
Dennis L. Alfaro (2020), Role of information and communication technology during the COVID-19 Pandemic-, EJAIB 30 (May 2020), 195-6.
Wearing masks and face covers as social responsibility during the COVID-19 pandemic - Statement of the World Emergency COVID19 Pandemic Ethics (WeCope) Committee EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020), 197-8.
Statement on ethical triage guidelines for COVID-19 World Emergency COVID19 Pandemic Ethics (WeCope) Committee, EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020),198-201.
Nader Ghotbi, Marlon Patrick P. Lofredo, Maria do Ceu Patrao Neves, Mireille DAstous, Rhyddhi Chakraborty, Esra Bilir, Thalia Arawi, Anke Weisheit, Hasan Erbay, Jasdev Singh Rai, Anthony Mark Cutter, Mouna Ben Aziz & Darryl R.J. Macer (2020) Ethical guidelines for COVID-19 triage management, EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020),201-7.
Sukran Sevimli (2020) Healthcare professionals acting ethically under the risk of stigmatization and violence during COVID-19 from media reports in Turkey, EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020),207-213.
Erikka June D. Forosuelo & Rogelio P. Bayod (2020) Dabawenyos helping Dabawenyos in a spirit of Bayanihan: CSOs and private persons’ works of compassion during COVID-19 pandemic, EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020), 213-221.
Marlon Patrick P. Lofredo (2020) Confidentiality of medical data and public safety and health, EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020), 221-6.
Maria Patrão Neves (2020) Mobile contact tracing technology: way out or lock up?, EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020), 226-30.
Taketoshi Okita, Atsushi Asai, Tsuyoshi Horie & Seiji Bito (2020) The application of artificial intelligence to the medical field: report of a qualitative investigation, EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020), 230-4.
Christopher Ryan Maboloc & Carmelle Ayra Ferrer (2020) The COVID-19 pandemic and social inequality, EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020),234-8.
Rogelio P. Bayod (2020) COVID-19 Age: Spirituality and Meaning Making in the Face of Trauma, Grief and Deaths, EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020),238-42.
Sumaira Khowaja-Punjwani (2020) Nursing in Pakistan: issues and challenges, EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020), 242-8.
Gerry Arambala (2020) Empowering the poor and the front-liners; equality of capability in the time of COVID-19 pandemic EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020), 248-54.
Leandro S. Estadilla (2020) Community quarantine in the Philippines, EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020), 254-6.
Mohammad Manzoor Malik (2020), Enhancing spiritual palliative care of Muslim patients: a perspective from Islamic theology, EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020),256-60.
Randy A. Tudy (2020) The ethical dilemma among healthcare professionals in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020),260-4.
Victor John M. Loquias (2020) Axel Honneth on social justice and the environment as a moral-practical concern, EJAIB 30 (5) (June 2020), 264-70.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Learn together to Cope, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020), Vol. 30 (8),273.
WeCope Committee Statement on individual autonomy and social responsibility within a public health emergency, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),274-7.
WeCope Committee, A call to cease the use of war metaphors in the COVID-19 pandemic, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),.277-9.
WeCope Committee, Statement on state and governance in COVID-19 pandemic, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),279-84.
Christopher Ryan Maboloc, Moral leadership during the pandemic, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),.284-8.
Aldrin F. Quintero, Morality and politics: strengthening pandemic preparedness for public health emergencies in the Philippines, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),.288-92.
Randy A. Tudy, Are the measures for COVID-19 realistic, justified, or overblown? Preparing the path to the new normal, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),292-5.
Sukran Sevimli, A historical evaluation from quarantine to compartmental model: from Ottoman Empire in 1830 to the Turkish Republic in 2020 and from cholera to COVID-19, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),295-302.
Al Flores Quillope, The possibility of a renewed discourse on peace: exposition of realities amid COVID-19 pandemic, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),302-7.
Rev. Omalpe Somananda, A new social work approach for Sri Lanka: Buddhist social work, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),307-312. Md Masud Parves Rana, The impacts of social distancing during COVID-19 pandemic on human health - evidence from Bangladesh, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),312-8.
Dhastagir Sultan Sheriff, The role of nursing with respect to disability and COVID-19 crisis, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),318-20.
Rogelio P. Bayod, Erikka June D.Forosuelo, Marianne Eve S. Sanchez , Peoples personal ethics and responsibilities during the pandemic: stories and experiences of recipients of social amelioration program (SAP) of Digos City, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),320-3.
Rogelio P. Bayod, Ecological health: key to economic health and human well-being, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),323-30.
Albert C. Albina, Deaths without goodbyes: deprivation of dignified death and objectification of dead bodies during COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),330-4.
Rogelio P. Bayod and Jenny P. Morante, Fears and Hopes of Indigenous Students in Southern Mindanao During Covid-19 Pandemic, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),334-8.
Christine May D. Bayod and Rogelio P. Bayod, Couple educators’ mission during COVID-19 pandemic: ensuring a meaningful and relevant learning for students while staying at home, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),,338-44.
Angeline Anastacio, Challenges, difficulties, and opportunities of nurses during COVID-19 pandemic: an assessment of disaster nursing care experience, EJAIB 30 (6) (August 2020),344-51. 
Darryl Macer, Editorial: COVID-19 and Vulnerability, EJAIB 30 (7) (September 2020),353.
Steven B Rothman, COVID-19 community mask wearing: lessons from foot-binding and infibulation, EJAIB 30 (7) (September 2020),354-8.
Ann Boyd and Brandi Davidson, Balancing autonomy and justice in the U.S. with a coronavirus outbreak, EJAIB 30 (7) (September 2020),358-362.
FN Chukwuneke AC Ezenwugo, OUJ Umeorah, IV Iyioke, Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination in Africa: The philosophy of objectivism on individual rights vs public rights in a culture bound society, Nigeria, EJAIB 30 (7) (September 2020),368-71.
RP Bayod, EJ Forosuelo, JM Cavalida, BB Aves , Turning tragedy into creative work: experiences and insights of plant lovers in Davao del Sur during COVID-19 pandemic, EJAIB 30 (7) (September 2020),371-6.
Shahanaz Chowdhury, Ethical issues of COVID-19 for persons with disabilities, EJAIB 30 (7) (September 2020),376-8.
Genevieve Bandares-Paulino and-Randy A. Tudy,, COVID-19 and mental health: government response and appropriate measures, EJAIB 30 (7) (September 2020),378-382.
Maria-Keiko Yasuoka, Challenges for organ recipients and elderly persons during the COVID-19 Pandemic, EJAIB 30 (7) (September 2020),382-388.
Alexander R. Waller, Gasping for breath: Is air pollution or moral blindness the unseen killer? A review, EJAIB 30 (7) (September 2020),386-400.
Darryl Macer, Editorial: Save the Planet! EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),401.
Statement on Environmental Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic - World Emergency COVID19 Pandemic Ethics (WeCope) Committee, EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),402-404.
Environmental Impacts and Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic - Darryl Macer, Abhik Gupta, Deborah Kala Perkins, Lakshmi Vyas; Nilza Maria Diniz, Suma Parahakaran, M. Selvanayagam, Ayoub Abu Dayyeh, Layne Hartsell, Thalia Arawi, Mihaela Serbulea, Nader Ghotbi, EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),404-414.
Suma Parahakaran, Exploring the wild-life trade and human impact on wildlife environment- A window to the Covid-19 incident, EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),414-418.
Alexander R. Waller, Cannot See the Wood for the Trees – Is Smoke from Agricultural Practices Clouding the Issue? A Survey of Public Opinion, Knowledge and Understanding of Air Pollution in Rural Thailand, EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),418-423.
Archelito Mallari & Rogelio Bayod, A Family-Based Approach to Reforestation Program Based on a Forecasted Water Availability for the Present and Future Needs: The Case of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Davao del Sur, EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),423-433. Michael Cheng-tek Tai , Global ways in integrating bioethics, EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),433-438.
Christopher Ryan Maboloc ,New Normal or Post-Normal? Philosophical Implications of the Covid-19 Pandemic, EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),438-440.
Randy A. Tudy, COVID-19 and Spiritual Needs of Filipinos: The Battle against Faith Expression and Fear of the Virus EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),440-443.
Rogelio P. Bayod and Christine May D. Bayod , Laying the groundworks for education of children in the new normal: The case of DepEd Southern Mindanao, EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),443-449.
Christopher Ryan Maboloc, Figuring out how to live in a post-pandemic world, EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),449-452.
Jahid Siraz, Haris Abd Wahab, Rashid Mohd Saad, Parimal Kumar Roy, Volunteering as Praxis During COVID-19: Experiences from Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in Malaysia and Indigenous Communities of Bangladesh, EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),452-63.
Jeric Anthony S. Arnado and Rogelio P. Bayod, Help Seeking Behavior of Young Filipinos Amidst Pandemic: The Case of Cor Jesu College Students, EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),.463-7.
Sarosh Saleem, Sana Tariq and Nosheela Rafique, How Ethical Issues at the End of Life are Approached in Children: A Phenomenological Study of Pediatricians in Pakistan, EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),467-72.
Piyali Mitra, Stigmatization in the wake of COVID-19: Considering a movement from I to We, EJAIB 30 (8) (October 2020),472-476.

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