Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) Vol 8 (5) September 1998

ISSN 1173-2571, Copyright 1998 (All rights reserved, for commercial reproductions but access open for personal use).
Eubios Ethics Institute 31 Colwyn Street, Christchurch 8005, New Zealand
P.O. Box 125, Tsukuba Science City, Ibaraki 305-8799, Japan

Official Journal of the Asian Bioethics Association (ABA)

World Wide Web site:

pp. 150-161 EJAIB September 1998 News

Topical list of News in Bioethics and Biotechnology
List is complete 1991 - January, 1998, in 31 topics. News from 1991-1993 are in the OLD news files, and from 1994 in the NEW files.

Page, and titles of papers

133 Editorial - Darryl Macer

134 IUBS Bioethics Survey - FOR BIOLOGISTS

138 Japanese attitudes toward euthanasia in hypothetical clinical situations - Noritoshi Tanida

141 Should physicians make value judgments regarding medical futility? - Atsushi Asai

143 Perspectives on old age in Turkey - Insaf Altun & Nermin Ersoy

145 Commentary on Tanida, Asai, Altun & Ersoy - Frank J. Leavitt

146 An examination of the "best interests of children" in the field of assisted human reproduction - Ken R. Daniels

148 Commentary on Daniels - Masahiro Morioka

148 Bioethics publications in Brazil. A study of topic preferences and tendencies - Cl·udio Lorenzo & Eliane S. AzevÍdo

Internet Site Updates
The site for International Society of Environmental Ethics Newsletter is <>
On business ethics see <>
The Monash Centre for Human Bioethics <>

The deadline for letter submission (and news) to the next issue is 8 November, 1998.

IAB 4th World Congress, 4 - 7 Nov, 1998, Tokyo, Japan Preliminary Program
IAB 4th World Congress, 4 - 7 Nov, 1998, Tokyo, Japan Preliminary Paper list
4th International Tsukuba Bioethics Roundtable and FAB2, 31 Oct - 3 Nov, 1998, Tsukuba, Japan Preliminary Program and Paper list

(pp. 135-137)

Current conference list

General information on EJAIB